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Life & Events > Boring > Swiped This from Walkwithgrace

Swiped This from Walkwithgrace

1. Would you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your girlfriend
or boyfriend?

Yes,  I
would.  But as far as being friends…I
doubt it.  If they were a friend they
wouldn’t disrespect you that way, it would be hard to trust them again
and once trust is gone it's hard to get back. 

2. Where were you on your 17th birthday? In
high school

3. Have you ever seen a live bat?   Sure I have I grew up in Louisiana I’ve
seen every creature known to man.   Bats
are good for eating Mosquitoes. 

4. Is there anyone you hate?    No.   It uses up all your energy, and doesn’t solve anything.
5. How much are you on the phone daily?   Well this one is
hard..at work I’m on the phone all the time, it’s my job.   At home…not much.   I call my mom twice a week and that’s about it. 

6. Do you like the color orange?   Sure   I can’t wear that color tho…I look green.
7. Do you find it in your heart to forgive?    Yes, I do…it’s
hard…but I let my higher power sort it out.  Like question 4 it wastes your energy.   Tell your higher power how you feel and let it go. 

8. Have you ever seen a prostitute?   Yes I have, when I lived in New Orleans
the lady who lived next-door was a hooker.   She was a nice lady.  

9. Have you ever seen a real redneck? Um…hello?  I live in TN…and grew up in Louisiana…how
red neck am I? LOL

10. Do you like tattoos and piercings?  Yes I do.  My hubby has some really cool ones…
11. What size shoes do you wear?   Depends…5 to 7 depends on the shoe…
12. What’s your favorite season? Fall. I
come to life in the fall.  (keeping your
answer Amy)

13. Do you care if people talk smack about you? Nope.
14. Do you like someone?   Sure I like a lot of someones…
15. Does your dad call you a nickname? My
dad died in 2002…but he use to call me Panam. 

16. Are you in a good mood?   Yeah I am.  : ) 
17. Do you think people will exist forever?   Yes in one form or

18. What is your sign? I am a Pisces.
19. Do you believe in luck?   Not sure if I would call it luck…but I
believe in the universe and guarding angels. 

20. Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump?   Neither one in this

21. Do you like snakes?   I don’t have a problem with them.  As long as they leave me alone, I’ll leave them alone. 
22. Where is one place you would like to visit? Montana.  (Again Amy
you and I think alike) 

23. Do you like waffles?   They are alright, I don’t eat them much

24. Anything you are looking forward to? The

25. What clothes are you wearing?   A wife beater t-shirt,  Marvin the Martin Shorts, and Bunny

26. Do you watch TRU TV?   Is that where COPS comes on?  Yeah hubby likes that show.  
27. Be honest, do you like people in general?   Yeah I do, I work
with the public, and I enjoy helping folks.   It might not be good to ask me on a bad day tho..LOL 

28. Big or small dogs?   Doesn’t matter to me, all are welcome.  I love animals.
29. Do you like Big Macs? No.  They taste like cardboard. 
30. Did someone bother you today?   Trying to remember who all I saw today.  No…not really it was an ok day. 
31. What do you think about death?   I think it’s the ending of one part of
your journey  and the beginning of

32. Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else?   Sure…it’s just

33. Does someone love you? Sure, a few
someones do.

34. Do you know anyone named Dave? Hmmmmmm
I know some Davids…but no Dave’s that I can think of. 

35. Name a friend whose name starts with an M? Mary.. : ) 
36. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?   Yes, and chased me
down in grocery stores..LOL

37. Got any nicknames?   Elfie… Pam Baby….Shorty…LOL
38. What color is your hair?   At the moment it’s red…
39. Do you like Starbucks? I don’t drink
coffee, and haven’t ever been in a Starbucks.

40. Are you named after anyone? No.
41. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?    I take prescription
drugs for certain things, but nothing else…so not sure how to answer this

42. How tall are you?  4’ 11”….but if I poof my hair I can make it to 5’.  
43. Are you taller than your mom?   Yes she comes up to my chin. 
44. Do you like the color blue?   I’ve got no problems with it. 
45. Who was the last person to send you an IM?   I don’t IM 
46. Last restaurant you went to?   Chaparrals.
47. What do you order at Outback Steakhouse? I've never been there.
48. How do you like your steak cooked? Well

49. Last voicemail you received? A guy
called the center asking about taking a test.

50. What is the first thing you would do if you won five million dollars?
would have to wake me up cuz I would most likely faint…

51. How many hours did you sleep last night?   6   I guess 
52. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? I haven’t thought about it.

posted on Apr 23, 2008 6:46 PM ()


#42!!! I am going to have to do this one, it looks fun!
comment by elkhound on Apr 25, 2008 11:50 AM ()
Boy are you a fashion statement.
comment by grumpy on Apr 24, 2008 2:36 PM ()
I can't believe all these people who are under 5'. Hopefields is also 4'll". I feel tall at 5'2"
comment by redimpala on Apr 24, 2008 12:24 PM ()
I like your answer for 31. That's what I always say. I'm only 5'2" n' a half (that half is important!) I was always aiming for 5'6".
comment by mellowdee on Apr 24, 2008 8:58 AM ()
5 - 7 sized shoes? That's a big leap!
about the grocery store!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 24, 2008 8:49 AM ()
Hey...I am 5'l". I guess there is a whole bunch of short people who blog. Someone could do a study.
comment by elderjane on Apr 24, 2008 5:22 AM ()
5-7 shoes--that is a huge difference! I am a shorty too! And as Donna states gravity is also working on me! I like your perception of death--another journey-great!
comment by angiedw on Apr 24, 2008 2:42 AM ()
I guess we're a couple of shorty people! I used to be close to 5'1", but age and gravity keep working on me, so they've chiseled off an inch. Well, I'm just about, close enough, stand tall in my shoes, a whole 5' now with a slight tendency to be slightly under that. (In other words, I'm short!)
comment by donnamarie on Apr 23, 2008 7:16 PM ()

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