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Life & Events > Boring > Saturday Thoughts

Saturday Thoughts

It's hot....The fan in the window isn't doing a lot of good.   The clock on the wall says it's 86 degrees in my living room.   The humidity is unreal.   Welcome to life in the south.
Sweetie woke me up at 7:30 this morning, and not for any thing good either.    His car is having issues something about a light on that shouldn't be, and could I follow  him to the station to let the mechanic look at it.   Sure...no problem, I don't need to sleep anyway. 
I love the mechanic...he says it's just stuck and whacks it a few times with a wrench...and walaaa...it's fixed..*ROFL*    I'm not holding my breath or anything but I did get a good laugh. 
Hubby said after that he needed ice cream...and even after I told him I doubt he would get ice cream cone at 9:30 in the morning he wouldn't listen.   He couldn't...he never listens...*laughs*
Our air conditioner is being worked on.   It's old...and not cooling like it should...so before it gets really hot I called to have it looked at.   Lets all cross our fingers that it's not terminal or anything.    We'll see....he charges $70.00 bucks to just look at it.  
Stopped by the Amish Store before coming home...and I stuck out like a sore thumb...I'm in shorts, a t-shirt with a huge peace sign on the front...flip flops and my hair all cut off.  I was a little noticable.     Normally I try to be less "english" when I go  visit...but I didn't this morning.  
Went rounds this morning with #1 son to get off his butt and  mow the lawn...it's was going to over take me just trying to get to the car.    He mowed but isn't talking to me.   Breaks my heart..*snorts* 
Weather wizards are saying it might rain tonight...hope so to cool things off some.
All is quiet here, the cats are laying by the fans....Hubby is slaying dragons on the computer, #1 son has disappered...and I'm off to read some blogs...
Happy Saturday everybody...

posted on May 31, 2008 1:13 PM ()


Again, you had me chuckling all the way through. I love your posts.
I loved it when I was in PA and was able to go to some amish stores...I like buying directly from people, from the source, if you know what I mean. That's also why I like farmer's markets around here. Anyways, it's almost funny that your husband ended up not getting his ice cream...it sort of proved your point and it's nice when the wife is right...as usual.
comment by donnamarie on June 4, 2008 3:13 PM ()
Just curious--how are their prices compared to 'city ctores'?? They grow most of their own stuff (wheat, corn, etc.,) I assume but could be wrong--and they do all their baking, don't they?
How about a blog on The Country Store???
comment by greatmartin on June 3, 2008 4:03 PM ()
86 is quite warm with no AC. I hope you are all fixed up soon!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 2, 2008 6:44 PM ()
You expected a MAN to listen?? Your stories are always delightful reading!!
comment by sunlight on June 1, 2008 11:12 PM ()
Happy June 1st
I think I'll stick with the weather here. Today was really nice...mid-70's, sunny, clear skies. Perfect.
comment by mattguru18 on June 1, 2008 4:17 PM ()
Getting back to an area that has amish around, I should go into one of their stores one of these days. I find their lives so interesting.....and I don't think it would be a bad idea for some of us to try a few of their ways!!
Hot and cold here......mostly bordering on the hotter side now. In the mid-80's....thinking I might need to uncover the air conditioner one of these days. I just hate too....I love the fresh air, but when that humidity gets in....YUCK!
comment by dakmom on June 1, 2008 6:30 AM ()
Just another ho-hum day in Tennessee. That's not all bad.
comment by solitaire on June 1, 2008 6:29 AM ()
A delightful day... good for you.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 31, 2008 5:46 PM ()
it started out hot and humid here, unbearably so. then some massive storms hit! it didn't cool down much. such is life in the middle south. Ice cream for breakfast sounds good to me!
comment by elkhound on May 31, 2008 3:06 PM ()
So did your hubby get his ice cream??
I noticed you didn't mention what you bought at the Country Store--anything you want to share???
comment by greatmartin on May 31, 2008 2:47 PM ()
(((EH))) less with the 'Less English' lmao Nothing wrong with english dressage!!.... he-he
...Tell you whooot, your never going to believe this, but we had to turn the heating 'up' tonight, I feel like i've been ditched in alaska - ether that or i'm dead from the feet up!!! Damn it's very nearly June too? Damn it's cold tonight here
comment by lynnie on May 31, 2008 1:47 PM ()
not sure what to say here with all of your
problems there.So will leave you with an LOL trying to get things
looking better.Oh!what do I know.Happy Saturday to you.
comment by fredo on May 31, 2008 1:47 PM ()

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