I spent most of my Saturday at a Non Profit event in the county where I work. This event was organized so that people could talk and find out information on the different orgainizations working and serving everyone in the county.
The orgainzations that were represented were:
Red Cross
Alzhimers Association
Sucide Prevention
Chamber of Commerce
Economic and Community Developement
Career Center
Boy and Girl Scouts
Cancer Society
National Guard
Emergency Management System
Rescue Squad
The Arc
Humane Society
Garden Club
Quilting Club
Arts Council
Historical Society
Agriculture Dept.
It was held in two locations in the county, for folks living in the East and furter in town. The turn out was mild, since this being the first one of it's kind. But the people who did turn out left with a lot of really good information.
I saw a lot of familiar faces, and made a few contacts. All in all it was a good day, and I enjoyed meeting everyone. (yeah I know I complained about having to go...but I enjoyed it)
Do you know the volunteer orgainzations in your community? There are a lot of hard working folks out there working hard to make our communties better...check some out...you'll learn alot.