Since then, more employees from the Base have died.
But that itself is not the latest and Strangest. The latest comes this morning...
Air Force missile launch crew falls asleep
Officials say codes were not compromised — just outdated
WASHINGTON - Three ballistic missile crew
members in North Dakota fell asleep while holding classified launch
code devices this month, triggering an investigation by military and
National Security Agency experts, the Air Force said Thursday.
probe found that the missile launch codes were outdated and remained
secure at all times. But the July 12 incident comes on the heels of a
series of missteps by the Air Force that had already put the service
under intense scrutiny.
was just a procedural violation that we investigated," said Air Force
Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado
Springs, Colorado. "We determined that there was no compromise."
The lapse, which involved a crew based at
Minot Air Force Base, south of the Canadian border, was serious enough,
however, to prompt an investigation by the 91st Missile Wing, in
conjunction with codes experts at the 20th Air Force, U.S. Strategic
Command and the National Security Agency.
It also delivers another blow to the beleaguered Air Force.
Sweeping shake-up
month, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced a sweeping shake-up of
the Air Force leadership, blaming them for failing to deal fully with a
series of nuclear-related mishaps...(more)
I am sorry, but is all this together in a big picture just a little too odd to anyone else? I mean, would said "outdated" codes worked on say some accidentilally missing missiles that flew over the US some time ago? In light of the big Pentagon may be selling nuke secrets to Pakistan scandal, isn't it worth asking?
The latest biowar weapons are much improved. They can eliminate big populations at a cost of $1 per victim. This brings the costs of killing way down.
Easy delivery some of the new weapons fit inside a suitcase. So, the perpetrator can kill millions and nobody will know he did it.