Where do these people come from? I hate that I actually had to miss this whole exchange. I may have to search youtube to look at this. Article comes from Alternet and Firedoglake, both great sites.
Lunatic Testifies About "Don't Ask Don't Tell"; Warns of Dangers of "Transgenders" and "HIV Positivity"
By TBogg, Firedoglake
Posted on July 24, 2008, Printed on July 25, 2008
As a San Diegan I am all too used to the ramblings of Elaine Donnelly from the Center for Military Readiness. Following the Tailhook scandal,
Donnelly was the female face the Union-Tribune editorial board turned
to whose job it was to pooh-pooh it all away as an attempt by raging
feminists intent upon sapping and impurifying our military's precious
bodily fluids.
Today Donnelly shot herself in the face more times
than Dick Cheney hunting in a house of mirrors, as she took the House
Armed Services personnel subcommittee down the rabbit hole.
It wasn't pretty:
the first hearing in 15 years on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy,
lawmakers invited a quartet of veterans to testify on the subject and
also extended an invitation to Donnelly, who has been working for years
to protect our fighting forces from the malign influence of women.
treated the panel to an extraordinary exhibition of rage. She warned of
"transgenders in the military." She warned that lesbians would take
pictures of people in the shower. She spoke ominously of gays spreading
"HIV positivity" through the ranks.
"We're talking about real consequences for real
people," Donnelly proclaimed. Her written statement added warnings
about "inappropriate passive/aggressive actions common in the
homosexual community," the prospects of "forcible sodomy" and "exotic
forms of sexual expression," and the case of "a group of black lesbians
who decided to gang-assault" a fellow soldier.
the witness table with Donnelly, retired Navy Capt. Joan Darrah, a
lesbian, rolled her eyes in disbelief. Retired Marine Staff Sgt. Eric
Alva, a gay man who was wounded in Iraq, looked as if he would explode.
Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) labeled her statement "just bonkers" and "dumb,"
and he called her claims about an HIV menace "inappropriate." Said
Snyder: "By this analysis . . . we ought to recruit only lesbians for
the military, because they have the lowest incidence of HIV in the
Rep. Patrick Murphy
(D-Pa.), a veteran of the war in Iraq, called Donnelly's words "an
insult to me and many of the soldiers" by saying they "aren't
professional enough to serve openly with gay troops while successfully
completing their military mission."
Retorted Donnelly: "What would you say to Cynthia Yost, the woman on a training exercise assaulted by a group of lesbians?"
returned to the case of "Cynthia Yost . . . assaulted by a group of
lesbians." She neglected to mention that the incident was alleged to
have occurred in 1974.
came Donnelly, severe in a black jacket with a flag pin on her lapel as
she attacked the "San Francisco left who want to impose their agenda on
the military." She spoke of the "devastating" effect gay soldiers would
have on the military and said "people who do have religious
convictions" would be driven out of the military by the "sexualized
it was Donnelly, founder and president of the Center for Military
Readiness, who amused lawmakers the most. Snyder asked Darrah about
Donnelly's reference to "passive-aggressive actions common in the
homosexual community," saying, "I'm almost tempted to ask you to
I'll stop right here to mention
that it was probably at this moment when Donnelly's sphincter clenched
so tight she could have crushed a diamond.
Darrah was stumped. "Like a woman who is stared at, her breasts are stared at," Donnelly explained.
I guess that's how lesbian eye babies are made.
I think we can add Donnelly to the long list of conservatives in the dock (including Lurita "Cookies" Doan, Alberto "Total Recall" Gonzales, Bradley "Funny Voice" Schlozman, and Monica "Jesus Idiot Barbie" Goodling) who have made the last seven years such an Alice in Wonderland experience for us all.
Alice: It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.
TBogg is a regular contributor to FireDogLake.