Your Bush Administration oversight, hard at "work"?
In other news, Iraqi refugees were given quite the offer. Now we have all heard how wonderful things are going in Iraq. RIGHT? RIGHT? Well, get this...
DAMASCUS, Syria - The Iraqi embassy in Damascus is organizing free journeys for refugees who want to return from Syria...
Adnan al-Shourifi, the commercial secretary at the Iraqi embassy, said
that free convoys and plane tickets would be provided for the
returnees, along with about US$1,300 in cash to each family from the
Iraqi government and US$500 from the U.N.
The returnees would also get houses and jobs back home, he said.
And what was the response you ask?
On Tuesday, the U.N. opened a registration center in a Damascus suburb for those interested in returning to Iraq but no one showed up, officials at the center said. They spoke on
condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the
But remember, "We are Winning." as Bush Says...