James M.


James M.
Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Mccain & Obama: Candidate Information & Links.

Mccain & Obama: Candidate Information & Links.

Links provided to more information...
Alright, so I have been told I am too partisan, and that I am not fair to John McCain. I have also been told to "look up Obama's record", which I have several times before, but I digress. So I thought, why not put a post up dedicated to both of them at the same time, covering a few issues about both candidates. Not just for anyone who stops in to read it, but for myself as a quick reference. So that is what this post is. First, my personal choice, Obama....
Barack Obama:

  • Biographical Data, compliments of Wikipedia.

  • Financial Data, compliments of opensecrets.org. Obama has a 94% disclosure record of his financial information.

  • Campaign Website, where you can find his proposed policies. I strongly urge you to read them yourself.

  • On the issues webpage dedicated to Obama. Here you will find his rankings among various groups and special interests, such as Veterans, Womens issues, Civil rights issues and so forth, along with various quotes on political issues.

  • Voting Record, compliments of the Washington Post.

    My personal thoughts here, Obama to me is the "lesser of the Evils" in this election. I like some of his message, though I don't feel he is progressive enough, nor do I feel that he will ultimately hold this current Administration accountable for the crimes they have committed. But stacked against John McCain, he is a breath of fresh air. His association with Reverend Wright caused him somewhat of a headache, but Obama has openly denounced some of Wright's more contraversial statements.
John McCain:

  • Biographical Data, compliments of Wikipedia.

  • Financial Data, compliments of opensecrets.org. McCain has an 88.7% disclosure of his financial information.

  • Campaign Website, Here you can read his policies and proposals (or you can just imagine what would happen if Bush stayed in office 4 more years).

  • On the Issues page for John McCain. Here you will find his rankings among various groups and special
    interests, such as Veterans groups, Womens issues, Civil rights issues and so
    forth, along with various quotes on political issues.

  • Voting Record, compliments of the Washington Post.

    Personal thoughts here, McCain has flip/flopped on over 61 individual issues since becoming the nominee, crushing his reputation as a "maverick." He has praised the success in Iraq (whatever that is), yet contends that he will stay there for 100 years until "the job is done" (aka, the oil production sharing agreements are signed into law as the oil companies want). He has advocated bombing Iran, and left his first wife because she wasn't pretty anymore after her car accident, for his current wife Cindy, the beer heiress who stole prescription medications from her medical charity organization. McCain scored 20% from Veterans groups, and in addition to his congressional Salary receives 100% disability (don't disabled mean you "can't work?) from the U.S. Armed forces (something current Vets missing limbs can't accomplish easily). McCain too had some issues with the evangelicals, after having sought the endorsements of Reverend Hagee who called the Catholic church "the great whore" and Parsley (McCain's self-proclaimed spiritual advisor) who said it is the job of the U.S. to wipe out Islam, McCain quickly had to flip on his views of these individuals.
Other Candidates:
Don't you know Ralph Nader is back to pull votes...
Bob Barr is on the ticket with the Libertarian Party.
Other Candidates will be on the Ballot as well, including Alan Keyes (LOL!) as an independent candidate, Cynthia McKinney for the green party, and more. You can find the complete list here.
Of course, I am not going to spend much time talking about them for one simple reason. They have no chance of winning, considering the setup of our current system. The electoral college and the way it is set up is preferential to the two parties, and in some states, their votes don't have to go along with the popular vote of the state. So as good (or bad) as some of their messages may be, voting for them will waste your vote, potentially aiding one of the two party candidates chances or lowering it by their "spoiler effect". Lets not forget, Gore lost Florida by around 500 votes (not counting the election rigging issues of course), and Nader got well more than enough to have potentially prevented a Bush Presidency.
Some have said to me, "you should vote on your principles, not who is 'closer' to your beliefs that you think will win". To that I say, Principles won't stop a war, it won't provide health care to the sick, and it won't prevent more foreclosures and bankruptsies. Until we can address the function of the electoral college, and even the playing field for third parties, we need to consider who is best of the "mainstream" candidates, and then begin addressing the issue of election reforms such as the electoral college.
If anyone wishes to add anything, feel free to do so.

posted on Aug 10, 2008 9:43 PM ()


"lesser of the evils" will there ever be a real good candidate, good for really all subjects? I dont think so....
comment by itsjustme on Aug 11, 2008 3:32 AM ()
The public and their officials have shown no interest to sacrifice any part of their ruinous life styles for the common good.
comment by bumpedoff on Aug 11, 2008 3:16 AM ()

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