Bush Administration Putting Immunity For Blackwater Over The Lives Of Our Troops
By Blue Texan, Firedoglake
Posted on August 9, 2008, Printed on August 11, 2008
While McSame runs around accusing Obama of wanting to "forfeit" Iraq, the Bushies are finalizing the negotiations for forfeiting Iraq by 2011. But the negotiations have hit a snag.
The sticking point?
U.S. officials said U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke with
al-Maliki on Wednesday to try to resolve the issue of legal immunity
for U.S. contractors working in Iraq.
The officials described the phone call as tense.
Under a provision put into place in the early days
of the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq, security contractors have had
immunity from Iraqi law.
Iraqi government has criticized the blanket immunity because of
incidents such as the fatal shootings of 17 people in Baghdad's Nusoor
Square on September 16. Iraqi officials say Blackwater Worldwide
contractors killed the 17.
Selling out the
Constitution to give telecoms immunity is bad enough. Selling out the
troops to give Blackwater immunity is a whole new level of sickening.
Blue Texan is a regular contributing blogger for FireDogLake.