James M.


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Lewes, DE
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Religion > Biblical Scholars: Mccain Could Be the Anti-christ

Biblical Scholars: Mccain Could Be the Anti-christ

You guys and gals all know I have no love whatsoever for John McCain. Still, I couldn't help but chuckle when I read this story about the conclusions biblical scholars have come to. McCain is bad, but I kinda doubt he is Satan incarnate, or some supernatural entity of destruction. An Idiot who would take us off a cliff, sure, but not the devil.
This comes from the Nation...

Biblical scholars in Colorado Springs have uncovered startling evidence
that Senator John McCain may be the Antichrist. Their conclusions,
while highly controversial, may have a dramatic impact on the 2008
elections, since many Bible-believing Christians have already expressed
doubts about McCain's fealty to Christianity.

The analysis was conducted by the respected True Bible Society, and it will be published next month in the End Times Journal.

The analysis was especially ironic, given that it came out just one
day after McCain was accused of subtly hinting that Barack Obama could
be the Antichrist.
McCain ran a commercial depicting Obama as "The
One," giving rise to charges that he was sending a subliminal messages
to anti-Obama Christians.

Ironic, I would call it calculated projection, but that is just me....

"What started us looking at this issue is the fact that Senator
McCain has declared his intention to maintain US forces in Iraq for a
hundred years," said David Jenkins, a leading Biblical scholar. "That
means that McCain wants to control Babylon for at least a century."
According to many scholars of the Book of Revelation, the Antichrist
will try to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon in order to use it as a
springboard for an international effort at world domination.
Ultimately, the Antichrist will marshal forces from Babylon to spark a
showdown with Christian and Jewish-led forces in the battle of


Jenkins said his teams suspicions were further heightened when
genealogical research showed that McCain's great-grandfather was
actually not John McCain, but John Mihai. Mihai is an ancient Romanian
name, and according to Bible-believing Christians, the Antichrist is
likely to be a Romanian. "What clinched it for us was that the name
Mihai means 'who is like the Lord,'" said Jenkins. "As far as we're
concerned, that was enough. It means that McCain might easily pretend
to be the Redeemer."


On another note, this is the only time you will ever hear me defending McCain.

posted on Aug 10, 2008 10:54 AM ()


This is rally nuts. No, I do not like McCain either, but Satan incanate is really far fetched.
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 16, 2008 7:19 AM ()
It's a funny article, but I think the whole thing was made up by that TheNation writer. There was a biblical scholar named David Jenkins who died in 1876, though.
comment by drmaus on Aug 12, 2008 2:02 AM ()
I so understand your last line. Defending him for thios I can agree
comment by itsjustme on Aug 11, 2008 3:28 AM ()
This is just crazy and I am kind of surprised at this coming from Biblical scholars. You would think they would know better.
comment by texastar on Aug 10, 2008 1:42 PM ()
OMG!!! Some of the thing folks come up with. I have heard the same about Obama. I have had people tell me that about Obama and ask me if I think he is the anti-chirst. Lol! I say, no I don't think it is him (this is the first I've heard about McCain) but don't think it is him either. These Bible scholars need to go back and read their Bible about the end times. The anti-christ is suppose to come out of Rome and his (whoever he may be) will be well-liked and rise to power. At the height of his career he will be young(I mean like 30 years old) From what I have read and my understanding is he will come into power at around 33 years old. The same age Jesus was when he was crucified. He will then turn on everyone (all of the people that loved him) he will turn against. Do unpeakable things and cause untol horror and misery because he will be satan incarnate. This is from my understanding of what I have read and researched. But these folks that get carried away with saying he is this one or that one crack me up!!

By the way I have always loved that song and remember when it came out!!
comment by texastar on Aug 10, 2008 11:59 AM ()

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