James M.


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News & Issues > Ignoring Mental Health of Soldiers. Zorse ...

Ignoring Mental Health of Soldiers. Zorse ...

Well, tonight I work and then I have a whole 7 day run off. Of course, I have already promised everyone back home I would come in and see them, so 10 hour drive starting tomorrow here I come. I dread that drive. Now, I can expect for people at home to make fun of any accidental accent assimilation which has happened while I have been away from home. They will probably be more ruthless than anyone around here is.

Anyways, I was reading a few things of interest to me, both related to politics and Healthcare that I wanted to point out for those of you who are interested in the subject. The first, is an article discussing the ignoring of troop medical conditions, leaving them disadvantaged (to say the least) in the battlefield. From that piece...

Since 9/11, one Army division has spent more time in Iraq than any other group of soldiers: the 10th Mountain Division, based at Fort Drum, New York.

Over the past 6 years and and six months, their 2nd Brigade Combat Team (BCT) has been the most deployed brigade in the army. As of this month, the brigade had completed its fourth tour of Iraq. All in all, the soldiers of BCT have spent 40 months in Iraq.

At what cost? According to a February 13 report issued by the Veterans for America Wounded Warrior Outreach Program, it is not just their bodies that have been maimed and, in some cases, destroyed. Many of these soldiers are suffering from severe mental health problems that have led to suicide attempts as well as spousal abuse and alcoholism.

Meanwhile, the soldiers of the 2nd BCT have been given too little time off in between deployments:
In one case they had only six months to mentally “re-set” following an eight-month tour in Afghanistan–-before beginning a 12- month tour in Iraq.

Then, in April 2007, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates decided to extend Army tours in Iraq from 12 to 15 months—shortly after the BCT had passed what it assumed was its halfway mark in Iraq.

As the VFA report points out: “Mental health experts have explained that ‘shifting the goalposts’ on a soldier’s deployment period greatly contributes to an increase in mental health problems.”

Perhaps it should not come as a surprise that, during its most recent deployment, the 2nd BCT suffered heavy casualties. “Fifty-two members of the 2nd BCT were killed in action (KIA),” the VFA reports and “270 others were listed as non-fatality casualties, while two members of the unit remain missing in action (MIA).”...

More in the link, if you are interested. But wait, the republicans are wanting us there, I think McCain said 100 years is fine with him, or some such non-sense. Tell that to these guys, and their families.

To try and throw something less upsetting out there to think about, Maybe something weird: like a Zebra/horse...
Just thought that was cute...Later all, I need some breakfast...

posted on Feb 27, 2008 4:50 AM ()


It's an f-ing disgrace.WE need to get out of there! I believe every soldier should receive trauma counseling during and after their term of service. How any of them come home without severe mental trauma is beyond me. The services have to know that, I wish I knew why they don't do anything about it! So many of the homeless vets have a mental illness. A little prevention would go a long way.
comment by catdancer on Mar 8, 2008 5:04 PM ()
Four tours in a war zone is ridiculous! Three is ridiculous! Two should be only on a voluntary basis. One is enough for anyone.
comment by redimpala on Mar 3, 2008 5:45 AM ()
it is a disgrace the way this gub'ment takes care of our returning soldiers health problems, including their mental health. these fine young people volunteer to put themselves on the line for us and this is how the Dubya Dumbass Admisistration repays them. You have a save trip home, James. Enjoy yer vacation.

yer on "permanent vacation" pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 2, 2008 4:10 PM ()
I agree with bumpedoff re MIC. Re battlefield mental health, the statement "War is Hell" is nothing new and I guess war stress has been driving soldiers crazy for a long time - reason 567 (or so) to work for PEACE!
comment by baseeker on Mar 2, 2008 2:35 PM ()
Have fun at home! Drive safely. I read the article on the soldiers and their mental health and I think they definitely need services in that area. It's sad that they have such a little time off before having to go back to the war. That's got to take a toll on their mental health for sure.
comment by hopefields on Feb 29, 2008 8:50 PM ()
Just popping in to say I miss you!
comment by mmmhollywould on Feb 28, 2008 8:43 PM ()
Have a good trip home James. I love the zorse video, how is it possible (oops yes I know )
As for the soldiers: it all sound so sad..... and is (or was) it all worth it??
comment by itsjustme on Feb 27, 2008 10:53 AM ()
I feel sorry for the soldiers and their families talk about being left out in the cold. It is hard enough to stay sane living day to day, I can not imagine the affects of living under the pressure of war.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Feb 27, 2008 10:05 AM ()
Yes,this is pretty bad and not sure that they are doing
enough for these fine soldiers coming home.
Not only the help,believe that they have a shortage of doctors
there and not sure.
comment by fredo on Feb 27, 2008 9:13 AM ()
For all their bravado,the leadership has shown little interest in welfare of the troops or in their ability to achieve fruitful results. The aim seems to be to capture Asian resources to grease the wheels of the military/industrial complex. The major tactic appears to be persuading the troops to rally behind the Evangelical God.
comment by bumpedoff on Feb 27, 2008 6:30 AM ()

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