James M.


James M.
Lewes, DE
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Entertainment > Humor > Fan Mail: 2008

Fan Mail: 2008

Ahhh, it is good to have fans. Thanks for the chuckles guys and gals! Grammar and spelling are untouched, and here is a few of the most recent "best of". Enjoy...

And I really don't get where you think that I said you were ignoring religious fundamentalism. I stated that the left is the one who keeps assigning all these negative labels while I don't see the right doing the same, and you turn it completely around to mean something else. Fine...have fun with your aliens and conspiracies. Just make sure you don't put the "brainwave protecting" hat on too tight.

Off till the day all queers wear their purple shirts and dance to the welfare office ..................

Don't you have a job , or am I supporting you with your welfare check !!!

I am shocked at how far you have strayed from reality. I did not think you were quite as bad as this. There's just about nothing anymore that you will not believe so long as it bodes evil for America.

It's time for you to join the Taliban and put a$$ where your ideology sits.

You're flat out nuts!

"This is what you get when you elect Republicans..." That's not just funny it's insane. Don't you have any idea how we got into this mess? Do you actually think this would not have happened if the last Republican had been eliminated?

We are in this mess because both political parties are $hit. And if you're interested in the full truth the Democrat party isn't democratic in the least. It is socialist - and they're destroying us.

I can only talk to you a couple of times a year because by the end of it I'm smacking myself in the head for wasting my own time. You understand don't you, that you and JoeZ are identical opposites?

eky is as wrong as he can be , with the amount of TRUTH in his statement and $1.00 you can buy a cup of coffee at Mickey "D"s , and anyone who agree's with him is as dumb as a sack of rocks !

(# ekyprogressive said 3 days ago

Its a "box of Rocks" and a "Sack of Hammers"....)

This is what I am not going to do and that is NOT read your blogs anymore and cancel my subscription ot them. Every once in awhile I can chuckle to myself over some of the things you say and just realize that you are very young and not in touch with reality. LOL. However, when you compare Bush to Hitler in past blogs and say "generic statements" like Obama will bring " a change" that is telling me absolutely NOTHING and would certainly make you lose any debate where facts have to be presented to win an argument. I don't need conspiracy facts about Republicans; you have provided enough of those to last us a lifetime
Your views are off the charts and way too neurotic for me to even respond to anymore

When you accept the most slanderous propaganda as fact without hesitation you become nothing more than a useful idiot. You want to know why other countries have no respect for us? Because we have legions of goofs like you tearing down our image and repeating the most brutal propaganda against their own country. Dopes like you could do us much less damage carrying an AK47 in the Mts. of Afghanistan.

Technorati Profile

posted on July 2, 2008 5:30 PM ()


As for me,not too smart on poltics and leave it up to the
rest who does.I enjoyed your post.Whether we agreed or not.
I am your no.! fan.
comment by fredo on July 3, 2008 8:52 AM ()
I had read most of them already. You are doing a good job with your posts so just continue James! They all are with sources that is what makes them so good to read.
comment by itsjustme on July 3, 2008 12:22 AM ()
Oh, Kentucky! Don't you know you can never win an argument about politics, religion, or sexual orientation? People just get down in the gutter and start throwing mud? H-m-m-m! Throwing mud!! Sounds familiar! You know me! I may not agree but so long as it's facts and not #### being thrown around, I'll defend to the death your right to say it and print it.
comment by redimpala on July 2, 2008 7:21 PM ()
I can tell which ones are Joez!!!! these are too funny James.
comment by elkhound on July 2, 2008 6:46 PM ()
'This is what I am not going to do and that is NOT read your blogs anymore' Don't two negatives make a positive?? Bet you he will read your blogs again and again!
comment by greatmartin on July 2, 2008 6:27 PM ()
I think you got their goats. Try marinating goat flank in Italian Dressing and roasting it on a rotisserie over Mesquite. Damn good!
comment by jondude on July 2, 2008 5:33 PM ()

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