James M.


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Politics & Legal > World Records, Election Rigging and More ...

World Records, Election Rigging and More ...

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Good morning everyone, hope you are having a better morning than I have so far. After a restless night sleep, heartburn from eating at some place my co-workers said was "great" and had an old stone stove (their gimmick) and let me tell you, give me plain old Wendy's anyday after the side effects of that! I have to go back to work tomorrow (ugg) for a stretch of nights, so I won't be on as much. Anyway, got a few things here to talk about, doing my part to keep mybloggersville up to speed on the news the TV won't touch.
Election Rigging 2008
I don't have to review with most of you the problems of 2000 and 2004. I just want to point out that the republicans are setting up the stage again for a re-run. First, they are working hard at the disenfranchisment of democratic voters. So if you recently registered to vote, make sure it is all in order! Second, the recent ruling by Bush's Cronys on the supreme court against whistleblowers has derailed important cases against these hackable, flawed and I would say rigged voting machines. And finally, a federal amendment against gay marriage is again coming into play. Since their candidate is a babbling moron with no integrity or substance, break out the wedge issues and let's again make the gays the political football to kick around. The cosponsors, and this is funny, David "likes it in diapers" Vitter and Larry "the men's room tap dancer" Craig.
Other News...
It's a world record boys and girls! Exxon has the world record on profits. Thank you America for giving them that. A couple Democrats are opposing the Iraq "no-bid" oil theft law. We will see how that pans out.

Another innocent held and tortured for 6 years is in the news. And the court was on his side, since the evidence against him (like many many others) was hearsay. And charges are being brought up against the man who they said was responsible for the U.S. Cole bombing. Only one problem, did he say he was because he was being waterboarded?
More McCain doublespeak, as he contradicts our top military officials on the situation in Afghanistan. Who is surprised here, anyone? Anyone? I was surprised yesterday, by Bush thanking McCain and Lindsy Gramm for their support of the new GI bill that he is SOOOOOO proud they past. SOOOOO proud. What surprised me? Bush threatened to Veto it, McCain said PUBLICLY he was against it, never even voted for it (too busy to show), and Lindsy (McCain's houseboi) was one of only 6 who voted AGAINST it. I was like "Wh-what?!" I about barffed up that magma I apparently ate at that resturant.

Going to stop there for now, I'll come back for the latest on troop suicides, the great tomato scare "twist" and some more. Or you can look them up yourselves now that I told you something new is going on with those situations as well. I am going to track down some tums....

posted on July 2, 2008 7:31 AM ()


WOW!! That's a long comment on YOUR blog!! And doesn't validsate your thinking!!! WOW!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 2, 2008 8:40 AM ()

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