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Politics & Legal > Dancing Israelis, Lost Occupations, Rove Flees ...

Dancing Israelis, Lost Occupations, Rove Flees ...

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Well, guess who was a no-show for congress. Karl "Turd-Blossom" Rove. Ignoring a Subpoena now, in the investigation of the firing of U.S. prosecutors. For a recap of that situation, U.S. prosecutors who were not ignoring Republican corruption, and who would not "trump-up" charges against Democrats were fired. Then replaced with drones from Pat Robinson's University. That is your quick and dirty review.

OH wow, watch poor McCain Squirm when a potential VP choice of his, Carly Fiorina (there's a story there too, by the way) says insurance paying for Viagra and not paying for Birth Control is wrong. Did someone just light a lighter on his ass-crack or what here....LOL. If you want to see McSame's Record on Women's Issues, Check this out. It's the only thing he has voted against more than he does against our own troops.

With the Iraqi government saying "Get out!" Will the right wing nuts finally see that the war is lost? Don't they know the Republicans have no intention of leaving until the last drop of oil is gone? And as one commenter to this article said so well...

What is now painfully obvious to all but the most delussional right wing nuts is what a mind-rippingly stupdid idea the invasion of the (like it or not) sovereign nation of Iraq really was. It has been an utter and catastrophic failure and, in a very real and ominouis sense, that is a good thing. Good because a clear precedant has has been firmly established (Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!) whereby a future president will carefully reflect the on the outcome of the reckless invasion another country on a stupid and unjustifiable whim.

What is incomprehensible in this tragedy is the lives that have been lost - over a million Iraqi men, women and little children; over four-thousand American servicemen and women - who have died for nothing. As the late, great Molly Ivins once opined, "It's hard to convince people that you're killing them for their own good".

In his new book, Vincent Bugliosi makes a more-than convincing argument that the half-witted, murderous little thug in the Oval Office should be tried for murder. As he said this morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, it is the most horrendous crime ever committed by a single American citizen. Call me naive, but I have a hunch that the man is on to something, don'cha think?

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Well said....
Oh and I am so happy about this, Mike Malloy is finally going to work on unraveling the connections of the "Dancing Israelis and 9/11". Here is the first segments, if you think there was nothing fishy about 9/11, then you really need to hear this...

posted on July 12, 2008 12:45 AM ()


Primarily, Israel has no constitution because it would extend to Arabs who expect a future majority status. The 911 tragedy had to be an inside job. Only rogue Americans could have arranged the various security and other lapses needed for a successful mission. The Israelis had the personnel expertise to recruit Arabs who took part in the mission. Arabs do not possess the technical knowhow to carry off such a mission unaided.
In such cases the investigator must ask. "Who benefits? Who covered it up? Who is mad enough to execute such a false flag operation?" The answer to the questions is Americans and Israelis.
Most citizens in both nations are too dummied-down to even consider such disgusting possibilities. Yesterday, a MyBloggers colleague wrote the US had declared war on Iraq. When I disagreed with him, he questioned my sources.
comment by bumpedoff on July 17, 2008 4:33 PM ()
First of all, does it surprize anybody that Karl Rove didn't have the guts to appear before Congress?
Secondly, I disagree with Tom Degan; George Bush isn't a thug. "half-witted", "murderous", and "little" I'll agree with. But the term "thug" in my mind, is reserved for such real people as Al Capone and fictional characters portrayed by Jimmy Cagney. "W" doesn't rank that high, morally and intellectually, in my estimation.
comment by hayduke on July 17, 2008 9:37 AM ()
Another hour gone as I listen to these and then research articles about ODIGO and the Dancing Israelis. Amazing that one of Netanyahu's first statements was to call 911 a "good thing" because it would draw immediate sympathy for Israel. Yeesh! Stop enlightening me. I am depressed enough already! (not!) Great info here- horrendous truths.
comment by dragonflyby on July 15, 2008 10:38 AM ()
Wholly cow.
comment by drmaus on July 13, 2008 9:42 AM ()

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