links provided for your references...
You know, I mentioned the other day about the fourth of July festivities being cancelled in some cities due to this crappy economy, and in my previous post about people resorting to stealing manhole covers for money, but this one is even more telling about our crappy economy than those. This is what happens when you elect republicans, please make a note!
The El Paso County Sheriff's Department in southeastern Colorado has
ended car patrols of its 2,000-square-mile jurisdiction. One Ohio
sheriff is putting his deputies into golf carts. Stillwater, Okla., has
stopped mowing the grass on nearly half of its parkland. Cleveland is
remapping its trash pickup routes to cut costs.
School buses are major gas guzzlers, and several districts are cutting
back routes. In suburban Seattle, the Northshore School District has
cut eight bus routes, requiring some students to walk farther to get to
their stops. Children will no longer be able to use school buses to
travel to gifted programs at far-off schools
In St. Joseph County in Indiana, the library system is facing major
cuts and has decided to park its Readmobile for most of the summer.
"It's very frustrating. . . . We just can't do the regular runs like we
did in the past," spokesman David Hanna said.
Several cities, counties and states are either shifting to a four-day
workweek or considering it. Utah announced that starting in August,
state offices will be open Monday through Thursday. Officials expect to
save at least $3 million in energy costs by going dark on Fridays.
Holy Joe Lieberman is helping the Republicans by rattling the "Be afraid, Be very afraid" card...
"Our enemies will test the new president early," Lieberman, I-Conn., told Face The Nation host Bob Schieffer.
"Remember that the truck bombing of the World Trade Center happened in
the first year of the Clinton administration. 9/11 happened in the
first year of the Bush administration."
Yea, well I think you are a moron. Let's not forget how both of your examples played out. Clinton, caught the bad guy, put them on trial, and we weren't attacked again. Bush, on Vacation, then cowered in a gradeschool during the attack while FOUR airplanes were able to make U-Turns in the sky over the largest cities in the nation. And what did he do? Attacked the wrong country, and very badly a recent study by our military points out.
Will you be surprised if I tell you that the U.S. advised the oil ministry on the oil law too, and the "no bid" contracts for Exxon, Shell and all those pocket gougers? Probably not I would bet, especially if you check my blog frequently, or do that thing that Bush/McCain supporters hate, called "reading".
The GOP and Bush administration is upping it's attacks in two different places. One, against Obama, even though it is projection since McCain is the one that has flip-flopped on everything. Second, against Iran.
Remember from my post about $400 dollar a barrel oil. Here it comes, if Bush don't get to it, McCain certainly will with "kill em all" liberbman whispering in his ear.