If you missed it from my previous post, the author of the torture memo was in front of the house Judiciary committee, and evaded questions concerning the legality of torturing a detainee's CHILD to get answers, to bury people ALIVE. Maybe we should waterboard their worthless asses (since they declaired it "legal") to get a straight answer. You can watch the exchange for yourself HERE.
Would you like to see how much gas could be at a whopping $400 dollars a barrel, instead of the over $140 a barrel it hit friday? According to the President of OPEC, a war with Iran will get us there. Because unlike now, where Supply and demand has nothing to do with the price and it is driven by speculators, supply will change.
Want to see what your gas prices have done? Take a look at the Dubai of 1990, Dubai of today and Dubai of the Future.
The Dow lost all its gains in just the last 5 weeks, and the world market is getting worse as America continues on it's current path, guided by this criminal administration. Some cities are even cancelling their 4th of July celebrations due to the poor economy now. Just can't afford it. But you know what has improved? CEO compensation, now they can move to Dubai like Halliburtion and enjoy the coming shorelines and sports stadiums!
The AP review of compensation for the heads of companies in the
Standard & Poor’s 500 index finds the median pay package added up
to nearly $8.4 million. That’s a comfortable gain of about $280,000
from 2006.
Thank god someone has been protecting the big wigs around here huh? Want more of this and that, McSame is your man.