WHOA-Wha-What?!? This is what was going on Friday in front of the Judiciary Committee while the news sat with their thumb up their asses to make sure you didn't know about it...
posted on June 29, 2008 4:02 AM ()
ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, "is" will forever be a national joke with Billy boy!!
I heard this CRAP Friday on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, great to see the FACES of the voices!! I have relatives living in Canada!! Barb
No! Don't move to Canada! We need a revolution, just as Jefferson said. When we do, I want to be in charge when we push those f**kers up against the wall.
"It depends on what the meaning of "is" is."
talk about beating around the Bush - s'cuse the pun, nevertheless that was an eye opener