Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Politics & Legal > Wetbacks


Jerms's post on his immigration woes got me thinking about the immigration woes here in the U.S. If you guessed about the illegal immigrants from our southern neighbor then you get a gold star. I know it's not P.C. to title this post "Wetbacks" but then why be P.C. No work visa aka greencard...no problem. There are millions of farms and sweatshops that will hire you for fifty cents an hour. They'll even provide you and your 20 kids a place to live. No speak English...no problem. All state and federal offices provide Spanish speaking interpreters to help you out with getting Social Security benefits, Welfare checks, free healthcare(which most born and bred Americans don't get), and even Spanish speaking teachers for your 20 kids. This post will make you think I'm anti-Mexican but I'm not. I know several that are friends of mine. They are either born here or went through the process of becoming citizens(which is hard. I've seen the test and I bet 90% of the born and bred Americans would fail.) They are ashamed of the Wetbacks because they don't go through the process of becoming legal or learning English. But they don't have to because we(Americans) make it easy for them to stay. We need Wetbacks to mow our lawns or clean our houses because we are too lazy to do it ourselves. If a Wetback doesn't want to learn English, the ACLU cries discrimination(even though ACLU stands for American Civil Liberties Union...they would rather help the Wetbacks than real Americans that need it.) When Wetbacks feel like we are being "unfair" for wanting them deported, they protest. Every year they protest in Salem(Oregon's state capitol for those geograpically challenged.) They hold up signs that say "VIVA MEXICO" and then others will hold up the flag of Mexico. I'm sorry but if you want to stay in America, you need to hold up the stars and stripes. If you love Mexico so much, why did you leave?
'nuff said.

posted on Aug 30, 2008 8:03 AM ()


Ahhh, the immigration debate. I'm so tired of it. There's a lot I could say, but people DO seem to get bent completely out of shape any time someone offers an opinion. The reference to Jesus as being poor and stupid seems to have had it's desired effect, i.e. I'm quite outraged and baffled. Interesting post.
comment by jerms on Sept 3, 2008 8:44 AM ()
When I was a child, State and Federal offices had translators for Polis and Italian Immigrants. Get over your sacred white self. Everybody here is from someplace else! And that poor, stupid Jesus, wandering throughout all time pleading "Love one another as I have loved you!" "Love one another as I have loved you!" "Love one another as I have loved you!" "Love one another as I have loved you!" "Love one another as I have loved you!" "Love one another as I have loved you!" "Love one another as I have loved you!"
comment by thestephymore on Aug 30, 2008 9:09 PM ()
The sad part is both parties running for President won't do a damn thing about the illegals because they don't want to lose the Mexican votes. I personally think they should electrify the fence that will never get built.
comment by gapeach on Aug 30, 2008 7:10 PM ()
We, that is the citizens of this United States, through forced and mandated confiscation of our earned revenues (taxes), provide twice as much support to the citizens of Mexico as does the Mexican government!!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Aug 30, 2008 12:12 PM ()

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