Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Parenting & Family > Childcare > Sadness


Yes I am sad. PD told me the other day that her "monthly visitor" was long overdue. I was excited because we have been trying to have a baby for a little while now. When she took the home pregnancy test it turned out "not pregnant." That broke my heart. I've waited years for the right time to be a father. PD and I are nearing 37 (she'll be 37 on the 18th and I'll be on June 28th.) We feel that we are more than ready and yet we are having a hard time conceiving. We are good people. We don't smoke. We have occasional drinks. We are good around other people's kids. Why can't we conceive yet there are people out there that shouldn't even be allowed to have kids. For example: My parents are raising two little boys because the daughter they adopted is a worthless piece of you know what. She gets pregnant and doesn't want anything to do with them after they are born. She still acts like a child herself and she's 25. My parents are raising them because they have zero faith in the foster care system. I've thought about asking Sara to give up parental rights and allow me to adopt them. PD will have no part. Everytime I try to even mention something remotely resembling that she gets mad. She is anti-adoption. She feels that a child not sharing her DNA will have a 50/50 chance of turning into a criminal. Sara's bad behavior and drug use were partially because my parents didn't give her the discipline that they gave me and my biological sister. There were no consequences when she ran away at 13 or when she stole a car. In fact when she came home after running away, she was rewarded with all the Christmas and birthday presents she missed out on receiving plus she got bonus presents. My bio sis ran away at that age and got an ass whooping and six months grounding. It started out as a year but she got time off for good behavior. Bio sis ran away because of a boy. She thought she was in love and wanted to run away with him. The boy was a carny by the way. Adopted bitch didn't like having a curfew and was addicted to drugs. She wasn't even grouded for a day. That strayed from the subject. I'm sorry. I was talking about adoption and Sara. Yes she did have bad DNA. Her bio parents were grifters. They went around conning people and stealing. They were dopeheads and sadly, my aunt and uncle (my dad's youngest sister and her husband.) I feel that with enough love and discipline a child will turn out good. I know children will rebel. I sure as hell did. Pierced my ears multiple times. Had the long hair. Played drums in a garage band my friends threw together. I was the stereotypical 80s hair rocker. Everybody has a rebellious streak. It's up to parents to not let it take too much control. I want a biological child but if that's not possible, I know two little boys that deserve a real home. I wish PD felt the same way. She would be a great mom to those boys. She holds the fact that Sara gave birth to them against who they could become. I love PD and I wish that she could understand where I'm coming from. I hate to see unwanted kids and I know my parents are trying but they are getting old. My dad is 61 and my mom is 56. She planned on retiring in 6 years. Now she plans on waiting until she's 70. My dad is not in great health. His diabetes is bad. So I think that those boys need us.
'nuff said.

posted on May 11, 2008 8:41 AM ()


This is sad. I think the boys do need you. If there was just some way to convince your wife... Just because they're your own doesn't give you a guarantee. I know of many wonderful parents who had really "bad" kids. Well, they weren't really bad, but their actions weren't too good. Take care...
comment by sunlight on June 11, 2008 12:03 AM ()
I know how hard that is when you are ready, and you just cant conceive. My first wife and I tried and tried for years, and never did get there. Keep your chin up, you sound like you have good values, and that your ready to be a father. It will happen, when you least expect it
comment by fugzy on May 11, 2008 10:16 AM ()

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