Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Life & Events > Iris Pride Festival Part 2

Iris Pride Festival Part 2

Today is the beginning of the Iris Pride Festival(the only event is the unveiling of the AIDS quilt.) City Hall has the lone protester picketing that "homosexuality is morally wrong." He's been out there for the past two weeks. This festival is here to let gays and lesbians know that we are an open-minded community and all are welcome to visit. I'm very liberal minded and think this will be a boost to the economy. My only objection is the gay pride parade. I'm not anti-gay. I only object because past parades I've seen had participants performing lude acts (one I saw on TV showed one participant wearing nothing but leather chaps bend over and another simulate sodomy with a giant blow-up dick.) Plus we don't have "heterosexual pride" parades. I'm not against the gay and lesbian community wanting to be together. Hell I wish Oregon would have allowed gay marriage. We do have a domestic partnership law that allows partners to make decisions in the event of a tragedy. I'm going to check out the festivities. I might even check out the parade. I do hope that we get some tourist dollars here. Plus it coincides with Surf City (the car show at Chinook Winds Casino.) The Beach Boys will be playing on Friday and Saturday. So if you don't want to go to the Iris Pride there's an "alternative" (get it...alternative...LOL.)
'nuff said.

posted on Sept 18, 2008 8:44 AM ()


Too bad you couldn't see the Beach Boys! I saw them on PBS. I think that Brian was pretty much out of it, but in recent years he seems to be getting better!
comment by sunlight on Sept 20, 2008 10:23 PM ()
aww I love the Beach Boys, I've never seen them before in my life but would sell my soul to see them in concert or a festival.
comment by lynnie on Sept 20, 2008 6:05 AM ()
Not against "Gays or Lesbiens" either. Although I am often accused of it. Here is my "TRUE" take on it": I personally find it gross when a man "blows (and likes it) another man. Makes me cringe and chit. On the "flipside", the mear thought of a woman going down on another woman makes my body "tingle".. awesome "ya know"!! Now that is the "Human sense" of me. Morally, God made "Adam and Eve" (Not Adam and Steve). Certainly a video of "Brittany and Madonna" could make the stringest of Monks cum in their shorts. But what we have to decide is what is "cool" and what isn't...

I believe.. sexuality is natural.. we all have it, and in different variations. I'll be honest. I am not Gay.. but always liked wearing "lingerae" hardly do, but I like it. It is something sexual in me. I don't claim to understand it.. I just do. So, although I feel God wants a "man and woman" together... I cannot cut down anything another does. Except "cheating.. things like that", that would hurt the other.

If a man blows a man.. again, I think it's gross. But I would never "vote against their rights", I would never call them bad. I will however say "it's gross to me", and that's just my opinion.

Laterz.. gary
comment by coincutter on Sept 19, 2008 5:57 PM ()

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