Kudos to California for repealing the ban on gay marriage and allowing gays and lesbians to wed. They have the right to be as miserable as the rest of us. On a serious note, the Conservatives in office want to put it back on the ballot to ban it again. Why? What are you afraid of? That when they marry they want to(gasp)reproduce. Isn't that what all married couples want to do after awhile. Unfortunately gay and lesbian couples can't reproduce themselves and either have to adopt or get a sperm donor(in a gay man's case rent a womb.) Also, giving them the right to marry also protects any investments they have together. I know gay couples that own businesses together. I don't know if they've filed for domestic partnership rights(Oregon, as liberal as we are, voted for a law that defines marriage as one man, one woman. BTW...I voted against it.) But, if one of them dies, the partner is screwed if money grubbing relatives want their share of the business. Oregon does have the domestic partnership act where gays and lesbians can file for domestic partnership but cannot call it a marriage. One of the city councilors here in Lincoln City, a gay man who owns a business with his partner, was on the task force that spearheaded the initiative that helped get the domestic partnership act written in. There were tough legal battles from the opposition but in February it came to be.
The constitution says in the preamble that "..all men are created equal." It means all man kind. Look it up.
'nuff said.