Many people around the world own or care for animals. Whether they are house pets, farm animals, or animals in the wild, many believe these animals should be respected and treated humanely. Most will agree that un-due cruelty to animals is not acceptable, although much cruelty continues to be tolerated. Many are aware of suffering in areas where animals are used for sport, medical research, product testing, and food production, but less are aware of the actual number of cases of pet abuse.

Many countries and organizations have taken steps to improve the quality of life for animals by establishing laws and guidelines that dictate exactly what is unlawful and what is acceptable, although getting everyone to comply with the laws and guidelines is a continuing battle. This is complicated by the fact that the consideration of animal rights differs from country to country and from culture to culture.

The World Society for the Protection of Animals initiated the idea for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare that they are currently trying to get passed by the United Nations.
The declaration's purpose is to establish "global recognition that animals matter, that they can feel pain and can suffer and that we have a responsibility to put an end to the cruelty around the world." The official text for the declaration was drawn up at the Manila Conference on Animal Welfare in 2003 and it has received much support. Supporting partners include the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Compassion in World Farming, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
Because laws regarding animal welfare vary around the world, those who support the Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare's passage essentially want the United Nations to to put into place a universal policy of animal protection rights that will set the laws and guidelines for all people of all nations and cultures.
(WARNING: The following pictures may be too graphic and upsetting for some to view, although only pictures of lesser graphic quality were selected. These few pictures serve only as a hint of the types of cruelty that exist in the world and are included in this post solely for the purpose of drawing attention to the reality that these cruelties not only exist, but are more commonly practiced and tolerated here and around the world than many people are even aware of.)

The World Society for the Protection of Animals, it's partners, and all of it's supporters are looking to reduce and, hopefully, eliminate un-due animal cruelty and suffering throughout the world so that scenes like you've just seen will no longer exist.