I may be a fan of walking, however, I am not so much a fan of it during the winter. I can literally lock myself indoors for weeks at a time, not because I like shutting myself in, but because I prefer the comforts of home over the discomforts of the winter. On some days here and there, though, I will venture out. A day that's just warm enough or just nice enough for me to take advantage of, is all I need for the anxiousness to "get out there" to kick in. The anxiousness gives way to enjoyment, which can be rather short-lived if cooling temperatures or wind should start to pre-occupy my focus. But, as long as I am enjoying myself, I will keep walking. It's the things I come upon that are so important for making a walk enjoyable to me. Thank goodness I live in an area that offers so many interesting things. Here are just a few examples of things I took notice of during a recent walk...

I could visualize a day in the past with a horse tied here.

A little hanging ornament in someone's yard.

Brrrrrrr....'tis a bit chilly out, isn't it?