Yesterday, Thursday, seemed to be going by rather slowly. I had been doing some chores on and off in between answering the phone and taking care of some emails and faxes I had to send out. When I thought it had to be around 11:00, it was only 10:00. And, when I figured it was noontime, it was only 10:30!
I seemed oblivious to the music playing in the background, although a few tunes caught my ear and I hummed or sang along, but the day just wouldn't move along!
I really had no idea what time it was for most of the afternoon. Time was dragging, that's all I knew. But, I just dragged along with it knowing that I would eventually realize what time it was when Edie came home from work. So, I figured, why bother or worry about it. And, then, there was a knock on my back door. I don't know why, but I glanced at the clock on my way to the door and I noticed it was almost 3:00.
Well, what a surprise! A high school classmate of mine decided to stop by to see if I was home and to say hello. She does live here in town, but we only manage to see each other a few times a year. She just happened to have business "in the neighborhood" and remembered that she still had to return a picture to me, so she grabbed the picture and took it with her. After taking care of her business, she stopped by.
Oh, what a splendid visit it was. It broke up my long, monotonous day. To have a friend sitting across the table, smiling and laughing, and chatting over coffee for about an hour was the nicest and neatest thing that could have happened. Sue, who is such a sweetheart, was always someone I really liked and I do enjoy her company very much.
So, do you know what she said as she was leaving? Well, she said that she would stop in to visit like this more often, as long as I promise not to forget to visit her once in awhile, too!