Edie stopped to pose while everyone was waiting to go inside the Providence Performing Arts Center, where the Johnson & Wales University's masters and doctorates ceremonies were taking place.

The marquis announced the event and it was time to go in.

Students from all over the world attend the university. A flag representing each nation of which there was a student graduating was carried by a graduating representative of that nation in a Parade of Flags. Each flag was then placed on stage. With the stage set, the ceremonies began.

After the speeches were made, the degrees handed out, and the tassles switched from one side to the other, each graduate was invited to pose behind the podium with the university seal.

Here is Edie, who received her M.B.A. from the Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School at Johnson & Wales University on May 15, 2008.

Of course, this called for a celebration! So, we headed for a local pub to have some drinks. Edie smiled the whole time. Matter of fact, Edie had been smiling all night long!

The classes are over, the tests have been taken, and the graduation ceremonies have taken place and are now a thing of the past. I am so proud of Edie and all that she has accomplished because of the sacrifices she made, the dedication she gave and her determination to succeed!