Here's Samuel in action.
Edie and I also went to the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Festival here in town. Food, music, and games are all located under a giant tent located on the town common. We always go to listen to the music and to get some calamari, which we still believe is the best calamari ever served in this area. It doesn't look different, but it always tastes so darn good, fresh, and not mybloggers.

Edie's enjoying her calamari.
And, there was a Sunday that Edie had to work, but I took my mom and dad for a ride to Oakland Beach where we had lunch at Iggy's, which is open year 'round but is one of Rhode Island's favorite summer spots, and then spent a little time sitting on a bench in the little park area at the beach.

Yes! I do love clamcakes! This one almost looks like a piece of chicken!

We simply enjoyed watching the people and enjoying the weather and the views before heading back home.