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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > The Saga Continues

The Saga Continues

We had such a wonderful spring (ahhh, felt like summer) weekend! With Edie still out of work and me with the entire weekend off, we were able to enjoy the beautiful weather together. In short-sleeved shirts (ahhh, it feels so good to say that) we were able to run a number of mandatory errands on Saturday before enjoying a nice delightful drive through the park and a stop for ice cream cones before returning home. We relaxed in front of the TV that night, but the windows were open!

We slept a bit late on Sunday (ahhhh, that felt good), had a quick lunch, and then took a nice winding-road-instead-of-main-road-or-highway drive through the towns between our apartment and the house in Providence where two of Edie's brothers live. Because we had missed Stan's birthday, which was only a couple of days after Edie got out of the hospital, we went to visit with him and to give him his card and present. Jimmy was home, too, so all four of us sat out on the porch and enjoyed each other's company for the entire afternoon. We took a swing through Roger Williams Park (Providence) on our way home and got home in time to watch The Amazing Race.

Oh, how thankful we are for having had such a nice, warm, sunny, pleasant, on-our-own-as-we-pleased weekend. It was a much needed and appreciated break for us after another week of Edie being out of work and seeing doctors, me working at the office more than being at home, and trying to deal with the bills and other expenses during this disruptive and worry-some time.

Edie saw both her primary doctor and the foot doctor and they are still quite concerned about Edie's infection and overall health, so she was informed that she will need to continue being out of work until at least May 18. She also had blood tests done and we are now waiting for the results. Her sugar level seems to be stabilizing nicely, but, although her blood pressure has come down, it is still too high. The infections (cellulitis and fungus) have improved some, but the toe and one of Edie's hands are still far from being healed. And, the rash from her bad reaction to the antibiotics still hasn't cleared up, although there are less areas with the rash and most of the itching has subsided.

We brought the necessary doctor's papers to Edie's place of employment. They were very sympathetic about the whole situation and, of course, her health and well-being. She learned that "something" had been done that would help a little during this time, and that was that she would be counting two of her "out" weeks as her two vacation weeks that she had coming a little later, so her two-week's vacation pay got paid and deposited right away. Of course, this means that the two weeks in June that she had already asked for and had made plans for are no longer vacation weeks. She will have to wait until 2010 for another paid vacation. I notified my brother that we will not be able to visit with him as planned, and then Edie contacted her brother in Michigan that she hasn't seen in almost twenty years that we won't be going out to stay with him and his family as we had also planned.

However, I must also look at all the good things that have been happening. The more-than-usual hours at the office have meant a weekly take-home pay for me that, when added to my commission-type pay at the end of the month, is giving us a little more money than I normally bring in, which is very helpful right now. My brother and my parents have helped a bit, and, because of Edie's vacation pay and a partial week's pay she had coming to her, we were able to make our rent payment, make a payment on our car loan, and to avoid termination of service by paying both our gas and electric bills. So, we're all set for at least another month before any new bills will be due. Of course, the other good things involve us being able to spend more than the usual amount of time together, finally having some time to see or be in touch with some people we have missed, Edie getting the medical care and treatment she needs and giving herthe opportunity to start taking better care of herself again, and knowing that all that has been happening is at a more pleasant time of the year, which makes it a little easier for getting through it all. But, most of all, I am most grateful for the most important thing...that Edie is here and is getting better.

posted on Apr 27, 2009 8:50 PM ()

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