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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > If I Were ... from Hopefields and Annie

If I Were ... from Hopefields and Annie

IF I WERE........

A gardener – I would plant all types of vegetables, harvest some to enjoy right away, some to preserve, and some to share. And, there would be flowers, plenty of flowers!

An artist – I would paint portraits, sculpt figures, and possibly paint many of the things I now take pictures of.

A farmer – I would have an old fashioned farm, with a barn and farmhouse. I would have chickens, cows, pigs, goats, possibly horses, and a few dogs and cats. I'd probably grow strawberries, corn, and pumpkins.

An architect – I would build affordable housing for those with a low income that would also have facilities to shelter/house the homeless and others in need, such as abuse victims seeking safe accommodations. I would also like to build EQUAL housing (apartments, nursing homes, retirement communities) that will not discriminate because of race, creed, age, or sexual orientation.

A teacher – I would teach music appreciation, which includes the history, literature, science, psychological benefits, physical benefits, communication, and natural energy within it, as well as the enjoyment of listening, dancing, and performing.

An actor – I wouldn't want to do silly roles, but I'd be willing to be humorous and light-hearted. I would also like serious roles that emphasize an understanding of important issues. Then, I'd like to share any success I may have in a philanthropic way.

A singer – I would have a repertoire that included songs from all periods and genres, but performed in ways appealing to today's audience. This would help keep good music alive instead of being forgotten or not appreciated.

A preacher – I would abandon and resist ties to any specific organized religion, would point out the correlation between creation and evolution, and help others to see how spirit/energy is in all things, is shared by all things, and is connected to all that love, goodness, and all other positive virtues are necessary if negatives are ever going to fail to make a difference.

A traveler – I would not just see, but experience the many wonders of this world, learn from the experiences, and preserve the memories so I could continue to grow from those experiences.

An explorer – I would be seeking clues of things from the past, discovering sights seen for the first time by me and keeping witten and photographic records of everything.

A politician – I would work to restructure, rebuild, and restart many things right from scratch as an ongoing project while tending to the many other duties of my office.

A writer – I would write fiction that was based on important issue themes to help gain more awareness of the issues and anything that may be needed in relation to the issues.

A scientist – I'm really not sure what I would do, but I believe I would want to be a part of something that is working toward a cure of some kind.

A zoologist – I would work to keep everything as natural or as close to natural as possible for all living animals, and would want to be a part of continued studies in animal behavior.

A photographer – I would photograph anything and everything that may be of interest and would make photographic "collections" into coffee table books, travelogues, and magazines rich in photographic contents.

A detective – I would monitor suspected individuals to establish verification of wrong doing on/at any level.

A biographer – I would write about people who can be inspirational or have already been inspirational.

A gourmet cook – I would want to be able to cook and bake a variety of things, including great American recipes and international/ethnic dishes. I would have frequent meals, parties, and gatherings so others could enjoy the creations.

A US President – I would work for achieving equality for all and toward the goal of an acceptable level of quality of life for those who call America home. I would also see to it that all who are guilty of hate crimes be labeled, tried, and punished for what they really are...terrorists.

A representative to the United Nations – I would work at putting an end to the sex trade and to establishing a universal policy for an agreeable commitment by all to follow the same rules, acceptable procedures, and unacceptable practices when dealing with all terrorists.

posted on June 11, 2009 8:42 PM ()

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