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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > I'm Going to Un - Blur a Little at a Time

I'm Going to Un - Blur a Little at a Time

I've come to the conclusion that I am not going to solve all my problems, do every task and chore, do everything I want to do, and get all the rest and/or fun I want all at once. So, I took a seat, did a lot of deep in-and-out breathing, thought things out, and have set out on another task, the task of un-blurring everything.

That "to-do" list I make every day? Well, I'm still making it, but in a different way. One column on the list is devoted only to things required by my jobs, such as the paperwork I need to get done. Another column is solely for housework and similar type chores. There's a column for things that I have to find some time for during the course of the day, but when in the day isn't particularly important, like maybe giving someone a call or reading things that come in the mail. Then,there's the column of things I want to do, such as watching a particular show on TV, reading blogs, or going to the park. Then, working with those columns, I put together a little schedule that has some flexibility in it in case the phones get busy, a task takes longer than expected, or something unexpected should present itself.

Yeah, it's a little time consuming to put this all together, but it's not really all that bad because, once a list is made and a schedule has been drawn up, they tend to roll right over into the list and schedule for the next day.

I already feel a little more structured and organized today and, even though there is still a huge mountain for me to conquer, I am not stressed...because I do not have to worry about conquering it all today. As long as I feel I've made some accomplishmnents today, I know the mountain has gotten a little smaller.

This seems to be working because I also schedule in a few breaks for myself...some "for me" time that seems to help energize me and keep me motivated. So far today, and this is allowing for a 1-hr. lunch and "for me" break, I have done all the dishes, completely straightened out a cabinet that I swear was booby-trapped, washed the floors, found a place to store one of those boxes I didn't have room for and stored the box, sorted all the paperwork into the organized piles I need them to be in and have started the process of extracting the info I need from those papers before I can file them away, made the bed, took out the trash, called about a job I saw advertised and made arrangements for picking up an information packet and application, and I'm posting this blog. Plus, for me, I did my once-a-week weigh-in on the bathroom scale, read some blogs, and took a nice refreshing shower.

But, the blurring will all come back if I don't get back to my list and schedule, so I'm going to end this post now and move on to something else. Hopefully, things will be even less blurred the next time I'm here.

posted on July 18, 2008 11:19 AM ()


I'm really lazy and the best I can do for a to-do list is to make a general list of things I want to get done in the next six months, and then review it every couple of weeks to see what got done. If I work to hard at the lists it starts to feel too much like a job.
comment by troutbend on July 21, 2008 8:44 PM ()
I love the shirt too. I am sorta organized at work...sorta..At home forget it..I'm more of a fly by the seat of your pants person there.
comment by elfie33 on July 18, 2008 1:38 PM ()
Love that t-shirt! It would fit me perfectly! Organization has never been a strong suit of mine. No matter how hard I try, there are certain cupboards that things fall out of no matter how many times I organize them!
comment by firststarisee on July 18, 2008 1:08 PM ()

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