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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > In a Blur Lately

In a Blur Lately

Wow! Things have been a blur lately. It's as if time is speeding by (so I'm viewing life like I'm on one of those twister rides at an amusement park) and I'm doing a million little bits of things (like I'm trying to work on 25 jigsaw puzzles at the same time), but there's a mountain of things to finish and another mountain of things waiting to be started (like a messy haystack in one corner and a growing, drifting sand dune in another corner). And, it's like I'm dealing with it all with those crazy novelty-type glasses on (like they sell in joke shops), my fingers with little dexterity (like I've got ski gloves on), and my feet tripping up all the time (as if the shoelaces on each foot are tied together).

Since the 4th of July (and maybe a little before), I have done eight loads of laundry, but now have more, have petsitted/housesitted for a week, but still haven't been paid, helped my brother finish up his vacation plans, but still haven't mailed out the papers to him, washed how many batches of dishes, but there are dirty dishes in the sink, read one library book, but haven't started the other, did a housecleaning job, but still have another one to do, vacuumed the apartment, but now have to vacuum it again before washing the floor because too many dusty days have passed, found more summer clothes for us to wear, but they're piled up because I've run out of hangers and drawer space, cleaned the inside of the car, but haven't washed it in ages, been taking calls for my other job, but have fallen behind in the paperwork, stored away a number of things in the basement, but still have 6 more boxes to store but have run out of space, have made a grocery list, but have not shopped, have taken pictures, but haven't done a thing with them, and have about 20 different projects going on. Ok, I know your head is probably spinning after reading all that, but that's exactly the same spinning blur that things have been like for me lately. (Oh, did I mention that there are now close to 1300 emails waiting for me in my "regular" account...yet I've been going through at least 100 emails a day? There must be a week's worth of blogs to read, even though I've been reading them and commenting on them every day?)

I need some un-blurring! I need to have things organized again. I need to clearly see progress being made and each thing that I do distinctly. I want to be able to see past the chaos and not see the cluttering of papers, clothes, dishes, pictures, and all yet to be cleared and conquered. And, gee, I need some leftover time to interact with loved ones (I haven't talked to my mother in over a week!), to read, and maybe get a little sleep/rest. But, I'm avidly searching for a new job, preparing for company who's coming in a couple of weeks, and trying to schedule some important appointments at the same time! (The car needs inspecting by the end of the month, I need a haircut real bad, I need to meet with one "boss" to discuss my future job status/listing, and meet with another "boss" to discuss possible schedule changes, and maybe...possibly...I MIGHT want to meet with one or more school counseler people.)

Ohhhhhhh, I'm so rather frazzled, overwhelmed, confused, anxious, and all blurred up! I don't know where to begin, how much time to spend on each thing, or even how to manage to tackle half of everything! What's making everything so much more difficult for me is the fact that I'm not usually like this...oh, maybe in little spurts from time to time, but not like this total blurry mess!

posted on July 16, 2008 8:59 AM ()


I know the feeling... when there's nothing to do you long to be busy... when busy you long to have nothing to do... But take elfie's advice... sit down, take a deep breath and realise that the world will not collapse if you sdont finish everything yesterday...
comment by clovis on July 18, 2008 3:56 AM ()
Wow! You are definitely busy! I hope you can take some time out just for you.
comment by hopefields on July 18, 2008 12:00 AM ()
Wow! Reading this post, I just wanted to shot: "Slow Down! Breathe!" Elfie, you got here first, YOU tell her to sit down and take a deep breath!! The more you do without stopping to breathe, the more lactic acid builds up in your muscles, and the more you hurt later. Take it easier and you'll get more done! Love, Stephy
comment by thestephymore on July 16, 2008 7:24 PM ()
Whew...time to sit down for a minute and take a deep breath. Then start on a project at a time.
comment by elfie33 on July 16, 2008 9:13 AM ()

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