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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > What's Been Going On

What's Been Going On

First, let me repeat something from a previous post...Edie is home from the hospital.

Now, I will fill you in on what's been going on...

Edie was sent home, feeling a bit better, but still with quite an infection to her foot (mostly the big toe) and it was still pretty darn ugly. She had a number of prescriptions to fill, as you can imagine, and she was told to take it easy, to go see her primary doctor, to get care from a foot doctor, and to stay out of work for a week.

We were able to enjoy a nice Easter dinner with my parents at their place. Because we might have had dinner here, we had most of the food, so we prepared all that we had and brought it with us to their apartment. Mom's responsibility was to set the table, make the mashed potatoes, cook the Brussels sprouts and the pork loin I had brought to her, and to supply the bread, butter, olives, pickles, and coffee. We brought the carrots, asparagus, cole slaw, and pie that we prepared at home.

I worked at home on Monday and Tuesday, so I was able to stay with Edie all day on both of those days, which was good because she wasn't feeling so great and was starting to feel a bit blue and anxious about things. She was feeling a little better on Wednesday, which made me feel better about having to leave her for most of the day because I had to take my mom for her endoscopy. It went well, by the way...the ulcer that was found the last time she had one of these tests was gone. Good job, Mom!

I worked at the office on Thursday...hey, that was today! Gee, it is after midnight, so it really was yesterday, no wonder I'm confused. Anyway, work was going pretty well, but Edie called right after noontime and asked if I could go with her to see the doctor. She said she was feeling pretty awful, a rash was practically on her entire body, she was feeling itchy and miserable, and she was really nervous about going back to work. My boss said I could go...bless off I went with Edie.

Well, she was having a bad reaction to the medicine that she was using on her foot. One of the side effects is a rash, but even the doctor said that this was a little too much of a rash. He told her to stop using the medicine for a few days to see if the rash will clear up on it's own...otherwise, she will have to go back to see him. He checked her foot and hand...might as well, seeing that she was there...and, yes, there has been some improvement, but not enough for it to be ok for Edie to go back to work. So, he extended the time for her to stay out of work by another week. Also, while there, Edie mentioned that she had not yet seen her primary doctor because she is going to be away until the 22nd of this month...he really didn't want Edie to wait that long, so he set up an appointment with a doctor there at the medical center for her. (This made Edie happy because she wanted to change her doctor, anyway.)

(Edie's workplace)

From there, we dropped off the doctor's notes at Edie's place of work. The manager there really sympathized with her because he could see how rash-y she was and could tell she was very uncomfortable and not feeling well. They both talked awhile because of Edie's concern about being out of work, which means she'll be without a paycheck for a couple of weeks (and will have to pay this month's share for her medical coverage out of her own pocket instead of it being deducted from her pay). The manager said he will talk with the head office to see if there is any way the company can help her and will let her know how things go with that.

There's one more weekday to go this week. Edie will be home instead of back to work, as was originally supposed to take place, but I will be working at the office again. Thank goodness this extra workload came in at this time because it means extra work for me, which gives me hourly wages for the time I work in the office on top of the commission-type pay I get for the work I do at home.

To be honest with you, I can't wait for the weekend. I don't have a housecleaning job this week (that was last Saturday), so I really do have the whole weekend off. Edie, who seldom ever has any weekend off, will also be out of, if there is something good that can be said about this whole situation, then it's that we can spend the entire weekend together for a change. I wish the circumstances were a little different, but the time together where we can just relax, take it easy, and enjoy each other's company will be nice.

posted on Apr 16, 2009 11:16 PM ()

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