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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > Back to Normal

Back to Normal

It's cold and off-and-on rainy outside, my work day is done and I'm now comfortably at home, so I think today, right now, is a good day to summarize what has been going on around here lately.

Spring is in full swing now, so on the days that Edie felt up to it, we went on short walks around the neighborhood. This gave us some fresh air, some sunshine, and some exercise.

I have been working at the office on a regular basis all month long, working there 3-4 days a week, and then working from home 1-2 days per week. And, to be honest with you, I've been loving it. It's been a nice change from working at home every day and it has helped to bring in a much nicer pay.

Edie felt better and better as the month progressed and the infection she had eventually cleared up nicely. The toe that was most affected is healing up nicely, the little bit of her foot that was also affected has healed completely, and her hand that was in pretty bad shape has grown all new skin and is looking almost as if there had never been anything wrong. She saw her foot doctor this week and he was very pleased with these results, so she does not have to see him again until summer.

Edie did come down with a nasty cold/sinus infection/cough that wiped her out almost as badly as the infection had gotten to her. She was truly feeling "like herself" again and enjoyed a couple of really finally-feeling-good days, and then....bang!...she was "down for the count" again. She spent over a week either in bed or on the couch, struggled to get a good rest or sleep because of the coughing, and was just so miserable feeling. Now, finally, except for an occasional coughing spell, she is once again feeling fine. She saw her primary care doctor today and was told that she really is doing okay now, there has been much improvement, things are stabilizing, and she can return to work on Monday.

So, all in all, I guess you can say that we are doing better, feeling better, and are optimistic that things will continue to get better. To be honest with you, although I wish Edie hadn't gone through all that she did and was home under better circumstances, I'm glad she had this break from work and I enjoyed having her around a heck more than usual. So, it is good that things are getting back to normal, but I know I'll be missing her and the extra time we had together very much.

posted on May 14, 2009 3:15 PM ()

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