Laurie F


Laurie F
Reston, VA
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Health Care


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Trying To Find My Way Home...

Life & Events > For Sunlight and Solitaire

For Sunlight and Solitaire

Sorry I left so suddenly.I had some major family issues to take care of.I was taking care of my Mom during the day and my Granddaughter after I got finished with my Mom.I was very busy.Things are starting to get back to normal.Well,somewhat normal.LOL In my family nothing is normal or goes smoothly.
Now for the fun part...I have a large kidney stone that refuses to pass.OUCH... no make that a double OUCH !!! I also have a urinary tract infection from the kidney stone that has taken residence in my body.I am taking Cipro for the infection.
My big problem is I have no health insurance and I am at the mercy of the Broward County Health Department.I applied for financial assisted health insurance which takes 6-8 weeks to get approved.
The ER doctor said I MUST see a urologist within 5-7 days at their clinic.I can't go to the clinic until I get approved.That was several weeks ago.
I am in severe pain unless I am sleeping.I can barely walk or drive.They don't even want to give me pain killers.They told me to take Motrin for pain...LOL I am talking MAJOR pain not a little headache.
So I am drinking gallons of water a day and waiting.The doctor said that there is NO WAY I can pass the stone on my own but I am hoping enough water will help flush it out.I am also having a hard time keeping food down.What goes in  comes right back out the same way it went in.Not fun at all....
I do miss you guys.I will try to keep you updated.
If I am not back before Thanksgiving,please have a GREAT TURKEY DAY !!!! Thanks for being worried about me sunlight.I will try not to go MIA again.
Any suggestions on how to rid this kidney stone from my body would be much appreciated............ 
XOXO Laurie

posted on Nov 22, 2008 8:23 PM ()


Jeez Laurie..this is ridiculous and there's no reason why you should have to wait around to get well...this burns me up to no end. Money should never ever be an issue when it comes to health. I am very sorry to hear this...very sorry. Please get healthy soon...very soon!
comment by strider333 on Nov 29, 2008 11:56 PM ()
Yikes. That's pretty awful stuff. I hope the financial assistance comes through for you. It's too bad that you're left to suffer just because paperwork takes so long. Take care and try to have a happy Thanksgiving.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 27, 2008 10:22 AM ()
Get on medicare if you can! you're going to need to rest and I hope and pray you're going to increase the font size of your next blog!
comment by spicybitch on Nov 25, 2008 1:30 PM ()
allo dare! I am sorry you are in so much pain! i see you are going to the docs tomorrow though so I will not lecture you and tell you that you need to go... TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 23, 2008 11:43 AM ()
This is very tough.Sorry,that you are in pain.
No health insurance even worse.Hope that you find a way there to get this
corrected.Kidney stones is no fun
comment by fredo on Nov 23, 2008 8:59 AM ()
OMG!!! I exploded out of my chair when I saw your reply to Sunlight's post!!! You're alive! Although, by the sounds of things, just barely. I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues. I wish there was something I could do. I sincerely hope you have success with whatever is necessary to rid you of that nasty kidney stone. My thoughts and best wishes are with you in the next several days. Please keep us informed--promise?
comment by solitaire on Nov 23, 2008 7:40 AM ()
Laurie..glad to see you are back with us!!! Thought something bad had happened to you. Great to see you again
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 23, 2008 3:49 AM ()
I had to double check your 10-20 (home location for the non-CB lingo people)but you're out of my range or I'd come and pick ya up me-self and take ya! Good luck.
comment by jwrone on Nov 22, 2008 9:58 PM ()
Hi Laurie! Stopped by to see who had stopped by my blog. And I have to say, "GO TO THE UROLOGIST!!" My friend that I work with passed a "large" kidney stone and it tore up his ureter (tube from kidney to baldder) and he had to get two stents put in it to keep it from colapsing. he was in the hospial for a week.
comment by jwrone on Nov 22, 2008 9:37 PM ()
Hey, I missed you, too--e-mailed you a few times--didn't get an answer--tried again after my surgery--no reply--had no idea what happened.
comment by greatmartin on Nov 22, 2008 9:28 PM ()
LAURIE!!! I'm so very HAPPY to see you back here! What a terrible thing to have kidney stones! My husband had them once and the doctor said that it was the most painful condition there was! Keep drinking the water and I think the doc said to have some acidic things like lemons... so my husband had a lot of lemonade! There's a new machine that pulverizes them, too. Hope you get rid of them soon! Again, I am SO glad you're here!!!!
comment by sunlight on Nov 22, 2008 8:34 PM ()

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