Sorry I left so suddenly.I had some major family issues to take care of.I was taking care of my Mom during the day and my Granddaughter after I got finished with my Mom.I was very busy.Things are starting to get back to normal.Well,somewhat normal.LOL In my family nothing is normal or goes smoothly.
Now for the fun part...I have a large kidney stone that refuses to pass.OUCH... no make that a double OUCH !!! I also have a urinary tract infection from the kidney stone that has taken residence in my body.I am taking Cipro for the infection.
My big problem is I have no health insurance and I am at the mercy of the Broward County Health Department.I applied for financial assisted health insurance which takes 6-8 weeks to get approved.
The ER doctor said IÂ MUST see a urologist within 5-7 days at their clinic.I can't go to the clinic until I get approved.That was several weeks ago.
I am in severe pain unless I am sleeping.I can barely walk or drive.They don't even want to give me pain killers.They told me to take Motrin for pain...LOL I am talking MAJOR pain not a little headache.
So I am drinking gallons of water a day and waiting.The doctor said that there is NO WAY I can pass the stone on my own but I am hoping enough water will help flush it out.I am also having a hard time keeping food down.What goes in comes right back out the same way it went in.Not fun at all....
I do miss you guys.I will try to keep you updated.
If I am not back before Thanksgiving,please have a GREAT TURKEY DAY !!!! Thanks for being worried about me sunlight.I will try not to go MIA again.
Any suggestions on how to rid this kidney stone from my body would be much appreciated............Â
XOXO Laurie