Laurie F


Laurie F
Reston, VA
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Life & Events > My Granddaughter Was Molested Last Night

My Granddaughter Was Molested Last Night

My precious 3 year old granddaughter was molested by a MONSTER of a man last night.There was no penetration but lots of touching.
This man is already on probation and is a registered sex offender.We did not know this.
My daughter-in-law caught him in bed with my granddaughter and chased him away.
I don't have all the details yet.They did catch this Monster and he is in jail with no bond.
I am too upset to write more at this time.
My granddaughter is doing fine for now but I imagine this will affect her eventually.She had to spend the whole morning giving statements and being videotaped.
Please keep my Sweet Sarina in your thoughts and prayers.
XOXO Laurie

posted on July 12, 2008 3:56 PM ()


If he's had that many arrests and other legal problems, his folks might decide it's time to cut the apron strings and stand up for himself. I'm praying that he won't get out.
comment by catdancer on July 25, 2008 6:24 PM ()
I don't know how I missed this Laurie. When I read it I started to cry and had to stop for a minute to keep going. You are right, he is a monster of the worst sort. My prayers are with you and her and the rest of the family. One thing I might butt in on is the question of counseling. At her age it would be mostly play and drawing and story telling. It's not the kind of counseling adults get. It won't hurt her to bring it up again, she's probably thinking about it a lot. Thank God your daughter found him before it went beyond touching.
comment by catdancer on July 24, 2008 9:53 PM ()
My thoughts are with you and your family. My sister is going through the same thing with my little niece right now. It's heart-breaking.
comment by mellowdee on July 16, 2008 1:43 PM ()
Laurie, I am so sorry this happened! OMG how awful! I just can't believe they let people like this back out to commit this horrible crime over and over! take care and your precious granddaughter is in my prayers.
comment by elkhound on July 16, 2008 7:25 AM ()
comment by shesaidwhat on July 14, 2008 12:56 PM ()
Sarina needs all the help she can get to cope with this horrible event. It's as difficult ordeal as anyone can face.
If the perpetrator is a three-time offender, many states can put him away forever. Since many prison inmates have been victims, they punish offenders harshly.
comment by bumpedoff on July 14, 2008 1:49 AM ()
I'm very sorry to hear about what your granddaughter went through. Vile creatures like that guy deserve to be shot immediately. My thoughts are with you and your family.
comment by jennrud on July 13, 2008 9:47 PM ()
Laurie your grandaughter and your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers
comment by redwolftimes on July 13, 2008 4:56 AM ()
oh how awful Laurie, I am so sorry, hope she will be able to forget. Hope he gets a long time put away.
comment by lizzieann on July 12, 2008 4:48 PM ()
He needs his balls cut off.. Glad they caught him. I pray that at her age she will not ever remember this..*hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on July 12, 2008 4:27 PM ()
I'm praying for your grandaughter and I can't express my disgust at this evil creature calling himself a man
comment by firststarisee on July 12, 2008 4:14 PM ()
omg that is awful!!! I am so sorry to hear this.
comment by kristilyn3 on July 12, 2008 4:03 PM ()

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