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Life & Events > Relationships > Stressed (Me Just Rambling)

Stressed (Me Just Rambling)

I'm so stressed!!!!

There is one person on this earth who can stress me out completely in .001 seconds, guaranteed!!

My ex husband.

That man stresses & irritates me to no end!

My biggest frustrations with him is that I wish he'd just be our son's father. Not his "commander" not his "adviser". I wish the little bit of time they spent together was actually the two of them together, not one outside & the other inside or having chores to do and no relax time. I wish he had an interest in WHO our son IS. Not who he thinks he is or who he wants him to be...simply, who he is. I wish he'd stop b*tching about how much money he doesn't have & the guilt trip(s) he puts off onto our son for child support. Realistically, he is spending MUCH LESS in child support than he would if our son lived with him, so he needs to keep his trap quiet.

I know much of his attitude & actions have to do with the two of us not being together any more, but it's been a very long time, he has had plenty of time to move along & get over the bitterness. Or I'd at least like to think he's had plenty of time to grow up & treat his son like he's unconditionally important to him.

I've been hurt before, I know how it feels. I just believe that instead of trying to punish "everyone" for a failed marriage, you'd think he'd not want to loose something as precious as a child in the process of trying to muddle his way through.

Control. It boils down to control. Loss. I know, yet, I just can't seem to feel all that sorry about it. Too little too late yet frustrating so much at the same time because I see the damage he's allowing & he's too blinded by his own feelings or anger that nothing more is evident.

Maybe this is all judgmental of me, maybe I'm the one who doesn't "get it", but I'm absolutely stressed......

posted on Apr 30, 2008 9:19 AM ()


It makes it much tougher on you, to be the friend he obviously, needs as well as the parental figure. Good luck
comment by augusta on May 1, 2008 9:15 AM ()
Not all men are like that, just a choice few, I pay support & don't complain then I always get short changed on my visits, all I get is 6 weeks in the summer with my son & thats it! the papers say more but they don't inforce it, & been dealing with this crap for going on 8 years, so who gets the ###### end of the stick?
comment by fromwithin on May 1, 2008 6:16 AM ()
I think that you are getting it very well. Some men can't get beyond themselves, their own interests and needs(if you can call them that). They really don't know how to be fathers,but there are women too who will fit the same pattern--me, me, me--that is all they care about. I added that last part since there are many men who are wonderful fathers, and I didn't want the male population to think that I was bashing all the male gender!
comment by angiedw on May 1, 2008 4:56 AM ()

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