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Mosing Through

Life & Events > New Bra!

New Bra!

haha! Doesn't that title sound.....a bit adolescent? :-P

I finally got fitted for a bra (emphasis on the word finally). What an experience! But who knew I'm so "well endowed"?? (LOL).

I have been informed that the "old" way to measure isn't relevant any longer. Now, you measure your ribcage & that's your band size. As she said that, I'm like, awesome.....I sound so petite (cos I always thought the size I wore sounded huge, like I weighed a million pounds). The cup size, you measure at the fullest part of your breast & subtract the numbers. Cups size goes as usual...1" difference is an A, 2 is a B, etc.

We did the math. Holy smokes. I'm like....."No, this can't be right! I think this is wrong. NO WAY am I that size!!" So I went home & asked my very eager husband to help me remeasure.

He was indeed eager, but wanted to know why I wanted to redo the measuring. I told him it was because I was told I was a ##letterletter & his eyes lit up & the smile on his face still hasn't worn off (it's been nearly 3 weeks!).......

Sure enough, that's what we figured out too. (Holy smokes!)

I ventured back to the shop to purchase a couple of bras because, that's all I can afford, a couple & even then, it's pushing the limit a bit.

Awful selection in my size though (even if I size the band down & the cup up or vice versa). Very boring stuff!! I did find one that I thought was a little naughty, but it's not comfortable at all like I thought it was (the lace is "itchy")! It's going back (I tried things on over a very thin tee).

My mind keeps going back to the topic though, if I'm a ##letterletter then.....what on earth is Dolly Parton wearing??!! I don't look anything at all like that, but I cannot imagine. To me, I look "average", not like I'm gunna poke someone's eye out if they get close to me.

Anyway, that was (still kind of is), an unforgettable experience!

And before it goes unsaid by me....yes, I do know that gravity & a tiny bit of weight gain *sniffle* has to do a little bit with my newly "endowed" body.

I told hubby that for my 50th birthday, I'm getting the girls lifted....all the way to my chin so then when I'm 70, everyone will think I look terrific!! ;-)

posted on Oct 8, 2008 12:48 PM ()


Girl, I understand. I'm right there with you. And even when I lost 70 pounds several years back, I still was HUGE.
comment by mrsstu on Oct 8, 2008 2:15 PM ()

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