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Fabulous Life Of A Nobody!!

Education > K through 12 > Court


It's 3:27am here right now and I have to go to traffic court tomorrow. Have never been there before and I got a $167.00 ticket for no seat-belt so decided to send the ticket in to at least lower it a bit. I actually did have my belt on but was taking it off as we pulled into the store, next thing you know I hear a siren and see lights. I was VERY surprised when the cop walked over to my side of the van. I was a passenger.

I did not realize at that exact moment but Dave had a huge chuckle about it. The guy actually thought I was a hooker and said as much without using the term. I know I can't bring that up in court as it's all conjecture, but I'd certainly like to.

Anyway, it's a crazy time of the night/morning and I am overthinking this damned ticket.

What's worse is that it's also my Fry-Guy's first day in grade two, rather than picking him up after his class, I'll be hoping a judge has mercy on me and lowers this almost 200.00 fine to something more tolerable.

*sigh* Tired I am.

posted on Sept 3, 2008 4:04 AM ()


WOW! I guess ol' Wyatt had nothing else to do, huh? $167 to protect you from yourself! Your Big Brother is definitely more expensive than mine! I had to pay $39 for the same thing.
Traffic court is simple. They herd you around like cattle for a hour or two, and then they settle with you. Some 12-year-old assistant D.A. will look at your paper. If you're REALLY lucky he or she will give you a condescending little talk, and then reduce your fine.
Let us know what happens.
comment by hayduke on Sept 3, 2008 9:43 AM ()
Fight it. You had your belt on and were taking it off. Mention what the cop said.
comment by jondude on Sept 3, 2008 7:21 AM ()
I doubt the officer will show up for the ticket. I would sweetly make my case.. I bet you get it dismissed. Judges know that cops make mistakes too! Good luck
comment by cindy on Sept 3, 2008 5:06 AM ()

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