Barb Foy


Barb Foy
Chico, CA
Job / Career:
Health Care


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Hello Wonderful World Of Online Friends!!!!!!

Education > Colleges & Universities > So Very Blessed ... ..

So Very Blessed ... ..

Good evening my mybloggers friends!!!!!
It just feels so good to know how blessed and how grateful I am right now....2008 is bringing lots of changes and opportunities for my family and myself!! My youngest daughter got released back to work at UPS starting in 2 weeks and I am thankful she was able to move back home for the last 6 months to recuperate and heal. My oldest daughter starts a second JOB in the morning, from word of mouth mind you, (yeah she's lucky like that).
I start a 50 hour training at the local domestic violence shelter at 8am. I am house sitting in Chico where the training is within walking distance!!!!

My friends garden is huge and it needs morning watering daily while she and her HUGE family are in Hawaii for her middle daughters wedding!!! There is not as much smoke in the valley as up here in Paradise, so my lungs will be recuperating a bit!!

In the last 2 weeks, I have run into 4 people who were very important to me as a young woman firefighter and new mother!! Today I held the door open for one of my favorite fire captains, and as soon as I said his name, he was so thrilled to see me, it has been a good 15 years we decided!! Anyhow, I won't bore you with the other three people & experiences but I needed them now, as much as I did when we were well aquinted.

Ok ok... I'll at least tell you who they were/are. Doctor Baker and his lovely wife, a great co-worker and a client that we had worked with for two years and now is living with his sister and doing beautifully!!! The hugs and smiles and talks were so incredible, I felt like I had stepped back in time and continued where we had left off!!

I ramble tonight as I sit here at the computer as I have isolated myself lately, more than I had realized!!! I suppose it was a necessary hibernation period in my life.
So I thank you and you and you for always allowing me to read and comment and read some more...these connections with wonderful people have always been there for me in ways, through the high tech highway that continually amaze me!!!
Thanks again and I hope to at least write a time or two a week to check in with you all!!
Be well,
"DarkStar" from the 1970's song....more about that later!!

posted on July 6, 2008 10:22 PM ()


you can't beat fresh air. have a great weekend
comment by lynnie on Aug 16, 2008 7:35 AM ()
Good to feel peace and contentment, yes? Hope the smoke clears soon.
comment by dragonflyby on July 15, 2008 9:43 AM ()
Hey Ducky,
Yes it was a much needed re-evaluation of some things in my life right now!!! How has life been treating you lately??!!
comment by darkstar on July 7, 2008 7:58 AM ()
Great to read your update, and happy to hear you're content with your life. I guess it's permissable to use the word "blessed".
comment by solitaire on July 7, 2008 6:13 AM ()
Sounds like you needed to take the time here. I hope you enjoy your next step
comment by ducky on July 7, 2008 2:51 AM ()

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