That's the kind of hope I suggest you invoke during your current adventures. Be Hungrier for meaning than for any specific outcome. If you do that, ironically, the out-come is more likely to be one you'll feel pretty good about.
(This was exactly what I needed to Read this morning over coffee at the local coffee shop!!!)
OK OK I just had to share this one, I am actually getting a an ex's name covered with a HOPE tattoo as soon as I finish my Graduate project on Jan. 23rd!!! I have the script writing all picked out, it will be wonderful to finally have that ex's name off of my body!!! I'm talking I was 15 when I had it put on!!!! So decades ago!!!! Wondering where it is at?
Plus, at the Dentist office this morning, I ran into an old crush, he's as funny as ever, than after we were both done,same appt time. We said our goodbyes, he went up the stairs and I hopped on the elevator, with my gimpy broken foot, it doesn't like stairs on cold days!! Then it is like he is following me...Anyhow, then he pokes me on both of my sides, of course I scream, everyone laughs, even me after I regained my composure!!!! Thinking WHO the hell is touching me in the Doctors lobby??!! LOL!!!!!
We were in a Psychology class about 10 years or so ago and never did anything about our mutual crush.....but now I just may have to. He made me laugh and smile and I think I had a little extra bounce in my step!!!
I'm sitting on a panel at CSUC on the 20th about
Bi-sexuality, so that ought to make for an interesting discussion in a Winter session sexuality class.
Apparently, sitting on these panels, look really good on my resume and who knows.....maybe my PhD. application!!! HAHAHA
love to all of my MyBloggers friends, I try to read and reply which I know I am bad at, kinda like not owning a cell phone because I hate talking on the phone!!! lolol
Be well all,
May this year be so full of love and laughter that we all strengthen our belly muscles and grow more laugh lines, our smile-wrinkless!!!
Just feeling like dancing and I know at the Inauguration Party we are having a Live band, so it will be fun!!