I am doing this as I needed a break and if Jean Lawrence could do it, I better too!!!!! Movies soon Jean, OK?? Love all of you lots, Barb
Three Jobs You have had:
Home Health Aid/Convalescent Hospital aid
Fire Fighter
Brick Layer
Three places I've lived:
Beverly Hills, CA
Stirling City, CA
Henderson, Texas
Three shows that I watch:
We do not watch TV and haven't for about 6 years!!
But I do love me some CSI Miami from Netflix and the Documentaries are EXCELLENT!!!! lol
We listen to WWW.KZFR.ORG 90.1 FM on the dial 24/7 it is online streaming now world wide, it is a great community radio station!!!
Democracy Now, with Amy Goodman
Free Speech Radio
Three people who e-mail me regularly:
My little sister Chrissie
Debi my dear friend in Sacramento
Danielle in Ridgecrest, people wonder if she really exists, no one has met her, we go back to baby school days 1988!!!!! She left Chico in 1990, and we are very close. We talk for hours at a time, I bill her so it works for the both of us!!!! lol
Three of my favorite foods:
Fresh Blue Berry's
local Wild Rice with a dab of real butter
White spinach pizza

Three places I'd rather be right now:
Simi Valley, CA spending time with Granna Chickie,(my adopted Mom) she just got out of the hospital!!!! Plus she is celebrating her 79th birthday tomorrow!!!!
Rock Beach in Mendocino
Bertha Peak in Big Bear Ca, where we sprinkled our Mom's ashes!!!
Three friends I think will respond:
Three things I am looking forward to this year:
My health getting stronger and stronger and STABLE!!!
Keeping my 4.0 GPA for as long as I humanly can!!!! lol
Getting accepted into a Master's program, not just Graduate school!!!
Three things that you may want to know about me:
I was proposed to, when Ayla was 6 months old, in Santa Barbara from a high school sweetheart!!!! He still lives there!!!
I am the "product of living in the System" since I was 11 years old, I was "a ward of the court" until I got emancipated at age 17.
I miscarried, a son named Benjamin Forrest Foy. I named him after one of the best Psychiatrists I have ever worked with, in Beverly Hills
Three places I'd like to visit before I die:
Durango, Mexico (Ayla's dad's hometown)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Hawaii, with Julie!!!
Three things I wish I could do/have:
Earning a living wage, with a job that has decent medical benefits in the Social Work realm!!!
To soften the hate that Ayla has with her issues with Mexican men and her dad!!!
I wish I would never have to take another PILL in my lifetime!!!