Barb Foy


Barb Foy
Chico, CA
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Hello Wonderful World Of Online Friends!!!!!!

Education > Colleges & Universities > 1500 + Fires in Northern California

1500 + Fires in Northern California

Hello MyBloggers Friends!!!!
Update of fires...
Since June 11th and the Humboldt fire blew miles and miles through the canyons and left houses in plies of has been very stressful living in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada!! 8000 lighting strikes hit California, last Saturday, some in the ocean, but mostly on land!!

Last Saturday was the FIRST time we have ever had a fire season like this....especially this early!! The smoke is VERY HAZARDOUS and is not going anywhere anytime soon. The local air quality is usually 15-20 for particulate matter and it is now over 360++++++

The fire captain stated yesterday at the town hall meeting that "there are many sleeping GIANTS", as we have had NO WIND, so the inversion layer is hiding even more fires as the smoke is so heavy and thick you cannot see the stop lights, let alone the tree tops and tree lines!! Very loss of life woman had a heart attack and died when we had to evacuate...minor fire fighter injuries!! We have firefighters from EVERY WHERE!!! Even Disneyland Fire Dept. Tons of them are structure fire fighters, not WILDLAND fire fighters!! They are getting a CRASH COURSE in WILDLAND FIRES!!!! As of yesterday more than 800 fires are burning in Northern California!!!

They are giving away inhalers, masks etc etc, but lucky people like me get to suffer even more due to our Asthma!!!! Even down in the valley the smoke is thick at above 250, we have to stay indoors as much as possible, thank gawd my A/C cranks!!! I have it set at 80 at night and 76-78 during the day when we are here.

This is HOW bad it is....the library closed last week because it was getting smokey inside!! We were only evacuated for 3 days, and our cars are packed and ready to go, in a moments notice.
My future son-in-law is a cowboy and knows a lot of the families that lost EVERYTHING, as the area hardest hit so far was 1000's of acre of prime horse property!! They were celebrating the night before June 11th and have pictures of what it looked like before it literally turned to ash!!

That's it for now folks....I am a native Californian. People are going around saying this is "THE END OF THE WORLD", apparently a lot of smoke and mirrors ensure that Armageddonen" is alive and well??!!!!


posted on June 29, 2008 7:42 AM ()

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