About a year ago my daughter asked me to make a little baby hat and pair of socks for a someone that she works with for a baby shower. A little boy set. Sounded easy enough, I have lots of stash yarn, lots of baby patterns. In a couple of evenings I had completed then. No big, a fun little diversion from the project I was working on. About a month later there was someone else at her work who wanted a hat and booties. This time for a girl. OK, little less notice but I could whip something up. Then its seems about every 1-2 months there was someone else that was having a baby at her work ( don't drink the water there ) and I was making more hats and booties. I have made about 5 sets. Once again there is another shower. My daughter has played to my vainity by telling me they all oohh and ahhh over the little knitted gifts, so I made another set. A pink set for her baby and a blue set for her friends baby.

the hat is a variation on the "flour sack hat"
the mits I just made a pattern for myself.

this is another "Flour sack" variation with a pair of socks.
The pictures as so close up that they look huge but they are newborn to 3 month size