It is about a 4 hr drive there so not too bad to do a day trip turn-around trip. We saw several new pictures in the "Steins Collection" - a lot of Picasso and Matisse paintings I had only seen in books. That alone was worth the trip.
Part of the muesums permenent collection is the painting by Frida Kalho " Frida y Diego Rivera" . A painting she did in San Francisco just after the two were married. It was the first Frida Kalho painting I every saw several years ago ( long before the movie) and I just had an immediate connection to her art and what she was expressing.
As I had taken a photo ( with my new iPhone - no flash) of my husband and one of his favorites by Jackson Pollock, I thought a picture of me and Frida's painting would be nice. Now my husband can paint and is a very good artist himself but, he can't shoot a decent picture for nothing so this one is a little blurry and not centered at all but I was still happy to have the picture.

I sent a copy to my youngest (18yr) on my new iPhone to show her the old folks can still have fun. Her reply to me was
" ha ha , your weird scarf twin :-) "
I hadn't even noticed! I just liked the picture. By this time of the day my scarf had become completly disheveled and wrapped up in gear ( audio tour set for the muesem - my purse ) so it was not very impressive looking.
Here is what the shawl should have looked liked

Oh well, thats my Frida and me story.