I had the assignment to make something red and valentines related for the Star Trek knitting group I belong to on Ravelry. Since I am on a yarn buying prohibition this year I had to work with what I had and I don't have much in red. I did find a pattern for a scarf in the book 101 one skein wonders yarn shop yarn.
It used a skein of baby Ull in red and that is what I had - easy peasy..
Away I started... now that pattern is written kind of werid. You knit row 1 of charted pattern to marker, garter stitch the center sections to marker then row 2 of charted section. Now this is all on the one row of knitting, then turn work and work row 2 again to marker - garter stitch -then work row 3 of charted pattern. All on the same row of knitting, then contiune this way ......huh.... that is what I said. ther were 8 rows of charted pattern and you worked two different rows to complete one row of knitting. Well that pickled my brain, I tried writting it out and still would get mixed up. I ripped out and restarted several times before I got the hang of the row switching. Well I was consentrating so hard on that that I forgot on basic rule about charts. The odd # rows are worked right to left, the even # rows left to right.
I did all the charted rows right to left !.. I didn't even catch it till I was done and tried to block it out -- there were no points!!!

I still posted it as my project. It kind of looks like a Star Trek symbol. I wore it to work on Valentines day and got several compliments ( no other knitters at work )

So maybe my mistake worked out?