I am almost getting the shakes thinking about it.
So this year while my husband is now on the other wagon ( long story ) I will join him in a year of self exploration and 12 steps. ( yeah - don't think for one minute I haven't spent grocery money or money that should have gone on some past due bill on yarn )
here is my beautiful shame.

and ........

there is still more that has been shrink wrapped and packed away that is being used for "started but not finished" projects.
So now I am on the wagon. No new yarn for 1 yr. I do have an out though. My family can give me yarn for gifts at birthday but that is it!!!
One day at a time. I do recognise that my journey will not be as life changing or have to be a life long prohibition as his is but hopfully growth will occur nontheless.
"The original version of this expression 'on the water wagon' or 'water cart,' best explains the phrase. During the late 19th century, water carts drawn by horses wet down dusty roads in the summer. At the height of the Prohibition crusade in the 1890s men who vowed to stop drinking would say that they were thirsty indeed but would rather climb aboard the water cart to get a drink than break their pledges. From this came the expression 'I'm on the water cart,' I'm trying to stop drinking, The more alliterative 'wagon' soon replaced cart in the expression and it was eventually shortened to 'on the wagon.'From the "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).