I've Been reading other blogs.. know what you said... know you started it.
I really don't give a "flying rat's ass" now! I will say what I think.
I know for a fact. I put you out (when on fire).. you lit your dress.. and screamed "Gary help". You were on fire, and I rolled you on the ground.
I know for a fact... you "one day" decided to "stab the waterbed". You had a big knife in your hand. You "stabbed and stabbed" again.. water went all over. You yelled "Gary come in".. You were freeking out with a knife on the waterbed.
I know "for a fact", I watched you fill your mouth... FULL, with pills a dozen times or more. I either grabbed you and pulled out, or called 911. All I CAN PROVE (If you want to go that way).. 911 has "records"..
I watched you load a 20 gauge shotgun and stick in your mouth.
I stopped you from grabbing your own "daughter" Danielle, from running out the door. You said, you were taking you and her off a "cliff" to kill you both..
You may be able to "Snow" your friends on here, but not me. I know "exact"! Try me on ANYTHING I say... cause I can prove...
Much more to this... but hey, I am not saying alot now..