I gotta "Wee".. Yep!! Cool huh?!!
Well it's really not mine, it's like a "family gift". I am allowed to play when I want. Roxann, her mom and others kinda pitched in to get it. Plus some games.
I think it's cool, but some things I don't like. It's cool because it's so "interactive", but also sucks because of that too. If the kids play a "Bowling game" for instance, or a "Fighting game".. they are jumping up and down.. using the controllers like they were bowling or fighting. They get all "stinky" (BO) and block the screen. Plus, chit on shelves are ready to fall off when they play. Not to mention, all the neighbor kids will wanna come over.
The "PLUS" side is, they are gonna get some "exercise", they will want to stay "home more", and we can keep them off booze and drugs. Now, I am a different story "all together", so I can't say how this will affect me now... but time will tell.
Actually, I like my computer games more then the Nintendo Wee. Hold... WHAT?? (someone yelling to me) Oh, my golly. It's not a "Wee",, it's a "Wii". I hope my "mis-spell" didn't confuse anyone. Silly me.... lol.
I really think I won't be hogging the thing. I think it's "geared" more to a younger type. Old farts like me, like a standard controller and mouse. We don't like to move alot, but we do like deep in-depth games.
Anyway.. the kids love playing with the "Wii"....
Later, Gary :)