I just watched "Eddie Murphy RAW". I seen it along time ago (Late 80's) I believe,, but haven't watched it in awhile..
I gotta say, it's as funny to me "today" as it was then. He says "Raw" and he means it. Matter of fact, it's a movie about a live "comedy" show that actually became the number "one" selling movie (of that genere) of all time.
Well, it was the 80's. Murphy had no problem cracking jokes about "any race" (even his own), about any "religion", about any gender "males, females, and fags".. lol.
He didn't care, it was funny....
Today, you will rarely see something so funny. Too many people have become "politically" correct. Too many worry about every word they say. So basically.. they become "cogs in this machine we call life". Politically correct.. lol. Murphy didn't then.. does now however. To me, that was so much a better time.
Back in the day... we would openly tease faggots. But we were past the point of being "against them"... we weren't against, we had no problems with them. We just thought it was gross and said so. They could live their lives however they wanted. Blacks.. we weren't against them either. But we'd never worry about making a "watermellon" joke or anything. Hell, they said enough against "whites" and fair was fair.
Today.. say one fluccking thing (you feel).. and someone is gonna go "cry to mommy". I am an 80's man. Most I know have nothing against anyone. Actually we are the most "liberal" you know. But being liberal means you also have opinions.. and are not afraid to say so..
I don't know, a thought.. if your young.. or even old and became like "frigid".. go back and watch some of the 80's stuff. Truely, it was the coolest time around.... Free to talk how you want, free to be how you want.. and also.. wanting others to be free (if you agreed of not).
That's the 80's to me, and I still live there....
Gary :)