Debbie, this is the "problem"..
When we were together, you were "nothing" but "crazy"! It was only a short time. During that time (we met in Febuary, you moved in within a month, and we married on Sept 20th). It was over before Christmas.
You had about "nothing then", I had a nice new home, and we moved you in. My brother helped *with lending me his business vehicles".
I loved you. I wanted this to work.. on email's and such (we met online) it seemed all great. Soon, you moved in.. and we brought all your stuff to my house.
You started having "personal" problems soon after. You were fired from your job. You were a "teacher", and I read everything the school said. You had multiple problems with children. They fired you "because" they said you were "contrary to students and teachers" (this started "maybe" your major chit).
So you had no job, soon your son was accusing you of pulling knives in him. He said you had 18 boyfriends.. and you were freeking out. You then thought you had cancer..
So here I was.. a ton of "legal chit" going on about you. But I loved you, and tried...
I called 911 twice on you Debbie. I watched you stab the "waterbed" (alot) and call me to help (Waterbed spraying water all over). I seen maybe a dozen times you taking gobs of pills. I pulled them out of your mouth. I watched you set yourself on fire (and put you out). Yes, when you grabbed the "shotgun" you yelled "Gary, give me the shells".. I tossed them.. then took them away..... You was going nuts..
I went to "jail once remember?" You spent hours in the bathroom , pills in your mouth. I spent alot of time taking them out. You were "punching" yourself in the face. Finally, I decided to "go to the living room, and threaten to break one "Bryer" horse you collected. To get you to stop. You "spit" out the pills, and chased me. My son called 911 (because of the argument, he didn't know what was going on). I went to jail. Because there were "marks" on your face that YOU DID yourself. ..
The day I turned against you was this.. the day you decided to lie to the judges and lawyers. You told (before) you did it yourself. Once it looked (with your other court chit) that you did it, and lied to the prosecuter. You said "opposite" what you said before.. you lied. You walked out, and never went into the courtroom for my sentence. The "Judge, my Lawyer, and Prosecutor were convinced I was innocent. I was... I got off.
All I want now is to "work things out". Yet you continue to be a "Bioutch"... How's your relationship with your kids... family.. anyone. You are the most "hateful person I ever met, and I will not apologize for saying.
Can't I ask you a "simple thing".. address, work the divorce together.. anything? You don't seem to want too.
I never did anything against you Debbie. You however did me. I wouldn't have said a thing if you weren't writing about me on your blog. Hell, I don't even read it, but others I know do. So I only check if they mention.
I went to JAIL for a lie you said Debbie,, lol,, yes the Judge knew it was a lie, but still cost me a lawyer...
To the blog readers here.. "Like me or hate" I don't care. What I know is what I say is 100% honest. Far more to this story, but all I needed to say now...
Debbie?!! Step up, don't be a bioutch.. be real.. and work things out...
Gary :)
It's kinda funny. Alot who do read your blogs tell me "you never deny" anything I say. That's because you know it's all true. Hell, you wouldn't even be alive if I didn't save your ass so many times. Go ahead, say I am lying... lol. Say what I said wasn't true... I know the truth and you do too. So what, big deal.. now we need to get this over "divorce" and never fluccking see or talk to eachother again!