Well the "Box" is working. Quite well actually...
I checked it today. All sorts of money in there. My idea has "proved" right.
Here is what I did. I've mentioned before I planted this "massive garden". Well, most stuff is coming in. I sleep in late, Roxann works. Plus we do shows on the weekends. No way possible to sit there and try to sell veggies.
I decided to make a "BOX". Took me an entire day. I bought hinges, had a lock. I screwed that sucker to the tree. Stained it up (made it look nice).
I wrote some "Warnings" on the box. Like "checked every day", Not worth your time to steal, I'd shoot your ass in a flying second (and I would). I don't think anyone would try to steal it anyway. We live right across from the middle school (cops patrol all the time). Plus, the must have cameras. Not to mention, this is a huge "thick" box with a slot. I put dozens if 3 inch screws in the tree. All screws I put it together with, I JB welded. So they can't take it apart. Only a "MASTER" criminal could get my box, and no master criminal would try for a few "veggie sales". It's safe.
I opened it today. Filled with dollar bills and change. What's awesome to me. I don't even have to watch the thing. I figured, doing it this way. Some will pay "more" then worth. Some will pay "less". It will balance out. I serious doubt any kid will go there to steal "Zucchini". If someone needs it.. take it free. I don't give a flying fuck.
My sign says. And I am not "pricing" anything. Take what you need.. put what you think it's worth in the Box. This is working out AWESOME! I'm not as stupid as you think I am. Our huge freezer is almost full anyway.
Bought a "weedwacker". We checked online all over. We didn't need a commercial quality one. What we did need was a cheap "NEW" one that we could get attachments for later (like a cultivator). We found one at "Menards". A Yard man.. cost was $109 plus tax. I could almost hear the "yard NAZI neighbor" next door have an orgasm. Oh, this fucker came right over (when he seen it). Old man (80 or so).. the dude serious needs some porn.. lol, maybe I'll give him some old "Hustler mags".... lol.
So I been "weedwacking" my ass off. The house, garden,, everything. New toy.. gotta play,, lol. Worked on the mowers, filled the pools for Sebastian. Tomrrow, Paul will spend the night.. and we will do the Biker event. Next day.. we gotta talk about that...
Take care,
Gary :)