Well, I'm back home from the show now (Mall in Lansing MI). I did "ok" but definetely not great. Lower then expected, considering I had a "prime" location in the mall. I was basically set up in the food court (which draws all the people).
Danny, (who I set up with) now has a pushcart in the mall full time till Christmas. But he will also have a huge spot in that same mall (food court) every weekend till Christmas. His spot is (to give an idea) about eight 8 foot tables, plus racks and such. It's big. He has literally thousands and thousands in inventory. It's all autographed sports stuff. So if you want anything like that.. ask me. I am certain he can get most anything you may want. I am serious.. Danny does know his stuff. He has a picture book on display, that has well over 100 pictures of him with sports stars "Michael Jordon", etc.. etc... he wants me to start selling his stuff on the computer. He said he'd give me "half", but I have to package, ship, and deal with his emails (he wants no part of that.. just wants his half of the sale). I am considering it,, but so far have said no. The reason.. I don't know alot about sports. Plus, I don't know everything in his inventory. Plus if I sold something, I'd have to get it from him (25 min drive). Would be worth it for like a $400 football helmet signed by the entire team. But if it was a small sale, I'd still have to make the sale. Maybe if I think on a way to do this better, I will.
One cool thing Danny got last show was an "autographed guitar", that was designed by "Paul Stanley" of Kiss. I know what he paid.. I also know what he pays mall rent. Those types of things I am not at liberty to say.
Danny said, any weekend till Christmas.. I can come in to that mall and set up with him. He pays the mall, I pay him. He gives me the spot for a very "cheap" price. I think it's because.. 1)We get along. We are actually alot alike. 2)I am an extra "eye" to help watch his booth, and make sales when he isn't around. One less person he has to hire. 3) My display (compared to his) is small. So it works for the both of us. So anyway.. I will be doing the mall a few more times this season. But I am also booking other shows.
This weekend wasn't too eventful. His cousin was working with him. We all stayed at Danny's. His cousin is a cool guy. Going to college, but a partier too. He's 18. I guess Friday night they went to the local tittie bar, and got kicked out because he wasn't 21. So when I got there.. we simply went back to Danny's and did nothing. Both them crashed right out.. me, I most always have a few beers first. I did that.
I had never met his cousin before.. but I have his family with RaeJean. His sister is a "former Ms Michigan" (Hottie there for sure.. lol.. I have met her before. As well as his mom, and others. It just didn't dawn on me I knew his family, till we went to his house for him to get some stuff (He still lives with parents). That's where I met them all.
Next weekend is confirmed. We will be in "Warren Michigan". This show cost us alot to get in. Was hard to get in also, but we managed. I expect it to be good. So this week (days) I will be "staining" and fixing up my display. I want to make a good impression. It gets all beat up looking after awhile, with all this moving it in and out of places. Hopefully... after Christmas I have the time (and money) to build a complete new display.
Still plan on doing a "Flea Market" for the last 2 weeks before Christmas. Once they are open every single day. Cheap fee.. less people.. but it doesn't take as much then. One person can order things for their entire family (gifts) and make the day worthwhile. RaeJean is at work making "Quilts", I can take Danny's stuff.. and others too. We'll work out details) on "who gets what" of the sales later. I do however, plan to have a large display.
Did get some great deals at "Steve and Barry's" clothing store. It's going out of business. It was always the cheapest place. I think they are closing like 100 stores. Anyways, this is the last 5 days of the sale. Everything was 3 for 5 dollars. Leather coats, jeans, sweaters, everything. Some was junk, but alot was super cool still. I bought 3 shirts for me.. Roxann bought like 18 items.. lol.
Other then that, no other news (I can talk about). My ear has been stuffed up. I think it's "wax". Kinda dis-orientates me. It's happened before. Feels like I been diving of a "high board" all day. I bought some ear-wax stuff (to remove it). Hopefully it does (and that's it).
Take care all... gotta go in a minute or so and unload my display..
gary :)